Chapter 21.

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Fourteen days. That's how long it's been since the last time I saw Ryder. I've been at home most of the days but I did get accepted for the volunteering position at the animal shelter so it gave me something to do instead of dwelling on him.

"Your friend is here." My mom informs me as I sit on my bed.

I look up and see Sheridan. She sits on my bed with me.

"Get dressed." She says.

"For what?"

"There's a party at my house."

"Sheridan the last time I went to a party I lost 6 months of my life because of a car accident."

"You can't let that stop you from enjoying your life."

"Easier said than done."

Sheridan stands up and rummages through my wardrobe, she throws a pair of my skinny black jeans and a red t-shirt at me.

"I can't go. My mom would never let me." I tell her.

"Who said she has to know?" Sheridan replies.

I give in, "Okay but I'm not drinking."

She nods and I walk into my bathroom to get changed into the outfit Sheridan picked out.  I put on lipgloss and eyeliner and brush my brunette locks.

I exit the bathroom, "Let's go."

We both climb down the staircase.

"Mom we're going to the movie cinema." I call out and walk towards the front door hoping my mom doesn't interrogate me about it.

Thankfully, she doesn't. "Alright don't stay out too long." Mom replies.

"You're a good liar." Sheridan tells me as we walk down the driveway to her car.

"Thanks, I guess." I say, unsure if that's a good thing or not.

Her car is small but cozy. Kendrick Lamar blasts from the speakers. We start driving.

"Bitch don't kill my vibe, I can feel your energy from two planets away." Sheridan unexpectedly starts rapping along to the song.

I laugh but join in with her, "I got my drink, I got my music I will share it but today I'm yelling bitch don't kill my vibe."

We cheer each other on during the car ride as we rap. This is the most fun I've had in a long time. We soon pull up to the large house, I get out of the car. Sheridan and I walk into her house together, there's not as many people here that I thought there was going to be, electronic music plays throughout the house.

A sense of familiarity goes through me. This is where I was before I had the car crash, I can't entirely remember it but I know I've been here before. Anxiety rises in my throat but Sheridan's voice startles me.

"Come and dance." She says excitedly.

She doesn't give me a chance to reply, she grabs my arm and pulls me to the middle of the living room where a bunch of other people are dancing. I slowly loosen up and Sheridan and I are dancing away with each other. It's not long before I catch Ryder in my eyesight with his arm around a girl with blonde hair. I swiftly look away. I don't care, he can do what he likes.

"Sheridan, get me drunk." I tell her.

"Your wish is my command." And she puts her hand in a salute before leading me to the kitchen and handing me a lime vodka cruiser.

I skull it quickly before grabbing another.


Two hours later and I have lost track of the amount of alcoholic drinks i've had. I'm in a state of euphoria as Will, Sheridan and I sit outside on the back decking together, all with drinks in hand.

"Let's go swimming." I say randomly.

Will and Sheridan look at me in confusion, "I don't think that's a good idea when you're wasted." Will tells me.

I ignore him, I stand up and start stripping my clothes off. I am down to my black underwear. I run down the steps and open the metal pool gate, I hear Sheridan and Will follow me.
I get a running start before jumping into the pool, splashing them. I start laughing, hard.

"Come in." I shout to them.

Sheridan giggles, "I don't think so."

"Speak for yourself." Will tells her and then lifts his shirt over his head. Revealing nicely defined abs. He jumps into the pool with me.

We immediately start splashing each other.

"You two are like children." Sheridan jokes who sits on the lounge chair watching us.

"And I thought you were the fun one." Will replies to her.

"Are you going to be our lifeguard if we drown?" I ask jokingly.

Sheridan rolls her eyes then stands up, "I'm gonna go get another drink. I'll be back."

I watch her walk away back into the house. Something pokes me in the ribs, I turn around and see Will who has swam up behind me.

"Funny." I titter.

I swim to the other side of the pool with Will following me, I face my back to the wall. Facing him, I smile.

"Is this your first time getting drunk?" He asks me.


"Because of Ryder?"

"No, I'm over him." I reply confidently.

"You're lying."

"I am not!"

Will can see through my lies. I can't tell if I'm influenced by the alcohol or I badly want to prove to myself that I'm over Ryder because in the moment I unexpectedly lean in and kiss Will. His lips are soft, and for a second I think he's going to pull away but he doesn't, he begins to kiss me back. Hard.

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