Chapter 12.

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I am woken up when Ryder places a kiss on my forehead. I smile and look up at him, his hair is messy and all I wanted was to touch it,

"Good morning." I say my voice still heavy from just waking up.

"Morning." He smiles.

"Shit what time is it?" My eyes widen and I sit up.

"Uh yeah, we kind of overslept."

I look at his phone on the bedside table; it is a quarter past 10.

Oh my god, school, my mom!

"Do you think my mom knows I slept in here?" I ask as I step out of the bed.

He props himself up on his elbow, "Would it matter if she knows?"

I wasn't actually sure if my mom would care, she has never spoken to me about how she felt if I started seeing a boy, I have never been open with her about my love life, not like it existed anyway. My first kiss happened when I was thirteen with a boy named Daniel, it was not enjoyable so I haven't kissed anyone since, that is until Ryder. Mom would be at work so I won't know if she knows about me and Ryder sleeping in the same bed until she comes home.

"What are we going to do?" I question him.

He gets out of the bed.

"What we're going to do is watch a movie." Ryder replies and he turns around to peel the bed quilt back over neatly. That's when I spot something on his nearly bare back.

I squint, "What's that?"

He turns around "What's what?"

I come closer to him and grab his arm, forcefully making him turn so I can get a proper look. It's a tattoo of stars connected by dots, it's a constellation.

"You have a tattoo." I say.

"Oh. Yeah I do I got it a few months ago." He turns back to face me.

"What constellation is that?" I ask curiously.

"Scorpio. My star sign."

"That's nice."

He smirks, "You're probably going to google later the compatibility of our signs now that you know mine."

I laugh at how stupid that is but also how true it is. I can't say I'm a firm believer in astrology but there have been times where I thought how accurate my sign is - which is by the way Virgo.

"Probably only to see how good our sex will be." I say it jokingly but immediately regret it.

Luckily Ryder doesn't take it seriously and laughs.

"Don't worry, you'll know soon enough."

My jaw drops.

"Too much?" He says.

"A little."

"I actually need to collect something back at my house, we'll watch a movie when I'm back." Ryder says as he pulls on a pair of track suit pants an a black t-shirt.

"Are you sure you want to go there?" I ask worried, his violent dad makes me worry.

"I've put up with my dad for seventeen years, I'll be fine."

"I'm coming with you." I tell him.

Ryder instantly shakes his head, "No, fuck knows what mood he will be in today."

"Look at me, I'm tough. I've got scars to prove it," I point to the small bandages on my forehead.

He doesn't crack a smile, "I just don't want you to see him, he's awful."

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