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Louis' pov

When Rose walked in, and eleanor followed behind her, i let go of Christina's hand, and stood up. Rose gave me a fake smile, Eleanor shot me a smirk and a wink. I looked at her disgusted and shook my head.

I dozed off, as the girls talked to my bæ.

"Oh didn't i tell you? I'm pregnant" eleanor smirked at Christina, "oh and Louis' the father.." She now smirked at me as Christina didn't say anything.

Rose looked at me and then Eleanor "is she serious?" She pointed at Eleanor and looked at me

Neither of us said anything, besides i wasn't even sure if Eleanor's telling the truth or not, so for now, i am not going to believe her.

"Are you fuckin serious?!" She spat at Eleanor

Eleanor smiled, giggling and shrugged nodding.

"You bitch!" She slapped her

My eyes widened at her actions

"You're next, Tomlinson" she said looking at me. I swear, if looks can kill, i'll be dead and in hell right now.

Rose turned her head towards Eleanor again, "you're still here, bitch?!" She spat at her

Eleanor rolled her eyes, looking at me, she winked and motioned for me to call her, she blew me a kiss and walked out. What a bitch.

"You! You bastard! How could you fuckin do that to my best friend?!" She yelled at me then slapped me across the cheek.

I looked at her dead in the eyes, "you think i fuckin wanted this?! You think i fuckin wanted to get eleawhore pregnant?! I fuckin hate the bitch. I was drunk! She forced me to fuck her!" I spat

She shook her head and walked over to Chrissy.

She looked at the heart monitor and it kept gradually slowing down.

"Chris" she shook her, but she wouldn't budge.

I ran out of the room looking for doctors

"DOCTOR!" I yelled at the first doctor i saw

"Room 137!" I yelled again and the doctor rushed to reach my bæ.

Rose was taken out of the room, doctors were rushed in, everything was happening so fast, the heart monitor was now almost flat. I didn't know i was crying until i felt my eyes burning and placed my fingers on my cheek that were now wet.

I didn't bother wiping my tears from my eyes or cheeks, i need her to be okay, i needed her to be alive. I need her.

The doctors were now trying CPR which failed getting any results out of her, then moved on to the electrocuting thing. Her heart rate started increasing gradually and i sighed in relief yet i was still scared, scared to lose her, afraid i will never see her beautiful green forest eyes yet again. I couldn't live without her, and that was a fact.

I sat in front of her hospital room and prayed.

I wish God would take me, hurt me, damage me, instead of her. Let her live, and i die.

"Please God" i cried

I sniffed as i heard the door of room 137 open and close. I watched as the doctor walked closer to me. I stood up, and dried my eyes.

"Sir, i assume the ma'am inside is your wife as it says here" he looked down at the papers in his hand. I nodded, i wish.

"Im sorry to say this but.."

Fuck don't tell me what I'm about to hear. Don't fuckin tell me she died. I will kill myself.

"Don't worry sir, she's alive but she has intense depression, she needs to take two depression pills a day. The baby had a miscarriage, I'm sorry about that as well. Please take care of her.." he looked at me with pleading eyes. A huge lump formed in my throat and i gulped down saliva and nodded "o-of coarse"

"Here's the pills" he gave me an orange pill tube and i nodded as he turned his heel and walked back to the room and walked out a few minutes later telling me I'm allowed to go in and see her.

I walked in slowly.

She looked at me, her eyes all red and puffy. It felt like someone stabbed me in the heart with a knife.

"I-i'm sorry, my l-love i" i couldn't form proper sentence. Seeing her like this was utter shit.

She closed her eyes, and turned her face facing the the wall and not me. She doesn't want to see me, ouch. Felt like someone took that knife out of my heart and stabbed it harder, once again.

I walked over to her, holding her hand.


"Don't, p-please just d-don't. Don't touch m-me. Yo-ou h-hurt me e-enough" she stuttered, removing her hands from mine.

"I love you" i blurred

"You c-cant keep s-saying that. Do-on't" she shook her head as tears picked at her eyes.

I kissed her eyes. "But it's the truth"

She pushed my chest away "if you truly loved me you wouldn't fuck Eleanor now would you?! You wouldn't come home late to your pregnant girlfriend! You wouldn't go get drunk every night and fuck a different girl every night! You wouldn't do that!" She snapped

"Just stop! Stop lying to me, please" she plead, tears running down her face.

"Don't say you love me, when you don't, please just" she begged

"Leave me, go, go just don't be near me, you played with me enough, didn't i get old? Don't you need a new toy to play with? Stop playing with me, i don't want to be a toy, I'm not a toy" she cried

Right now, i've got millions of slits across my heart, how could i do this to an innocent girl who only wanted to get to know me. I broke the girl who was all positive and happy all the time, i made her upset, depressed, anxious. I ruined her..

I will never change, i will always stay the monster i became after i found out that Eleanor cheated on me. I had changed, i knew i had, i knew i became better, Christina made me better, but i changed back when i saw Eleanor again, i knew i wouldn't be the same after seeing her. I was treating Christina right, but now that i did the huge mistake i did, I will keep doing this to her, and i don't wanna hurt her anymore, i really don't.

"Please, Louis, go" she plead.

I nodded, biting my lip preventing myself from letting the tears that had now filled my eyes flow.

"I will, just because i love you. I hope you can forgive me, Christina. I really do love you, i was drunk, i really didn't know what i was doing. Please. I hope one day you can forgive me." I told her. She shook her head

"Bye, have a great l-life" she gulped wiping her tears.

"I adore you" i kissed her forehead

I walked out of the hospital, broken heart in my system, and a broken mind

I sobbed, i don't care what other think right now, i just lost the most important person in my life. Let me be.

I drove to our home, packing my bags. I left her a note.

(Hi! I hope you like the update and all, thank you for reading. Please vote, comment and all that. Thank you i you do and i love you all xx)

((Please please comment! I literally love reading your comments, it makes me smile and i barely get them. Please?))

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