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I woke up because of the sound of my phone ringing.

I picked it up




"It's Louis" oh

"Um hi"

"Hey you ok? It's been a month.."

"Um yeah im ok"

"Where've you been?"

"Busy, sorry" i hung up

I didn't want any relations with him, ever.

*Louis pov*

It's been a month, she left that morning and didn't come back..

I don't know what i did wrong, or what happened, but she refuses to come, was i something i did? Or said? I don't know, but all i know is, now that she was gone, i was craving her more and more, i needed her here with me.

I remembered that day we met. Well it wasnt romantic or any shit but i can't seem to forget it.

I was sitting with the lads, drinking vodka when two girls walked in the club and sat at the bar. They both, hot as fuck, wearing little tight black dresses, hugging their perfect body, showing their curves. A guy approached them and started talking with them and then he held one of the girl's hand and walked with her to the dance floor. The guys caught me staring at the girl who was now sitting alone.

"Louis! I bet you 100 pounds, if you go to her and ask her to dance"i rolled my eyes and stood up but he stopped me

"I didn't finish yet mate, i wouldn't give you 100 pounds for that! You have to sleep with her, AND fuck her everyday, kind of like your sex buddy"

"Deal" i said and asked the bartender to get her a drink. I looked at her and she looked confused. I walked over to her and greeted her.

She blushed at me and smiled greeting me back.

I ordered myself the same drink and we drank.

"Wanna dance?" I asked as she agreed we both took the last sip from our drink and pulled it down our throats and went to dance. Her body pressed up against mine, her fine bum grinding against my crotch. I felt myself harden. The guys looked at me and winked. I nodded at them and me and her went to find a bedroom.

I rubbed my temple thinking that, then the guys words ran through my head

"This is just a bet, louis, don't go falling in love with her"

"Don't you think this sex buddy thing has been going on for too long mate?"

"I don't think you guys are only sex buddies, louis do you like her?"

"Man you've been sex buddies for too long with that bitch, lemme have her now, i need someone like that too" i remember punching him after he said that.

As these thoughts ran through my head, i found myself walking out of my place and get into my car and drive to her place.

After i parked in front of her house, i smiled as i saw her car parked.

I knocked on her door and before i could prepare myself, she opened the door.

"Hi" i breathed

"Hey" she ignored my eyes.

"Can we..talk?" I asked

"Im not your sex buddy anymore, im sorry, i can't do it" she was about to shut the door on my face but i blocked the way by stepping my foot in front of the door. She looked at me in the eyes now.

"Is it because of that douche? Is it because of zayn?"

"Zayn was just a one time thing. I haven't even seen him" she crossed her arms over her chest

"Can i come in?" I asked gently


"I have to tell you something" i said

I was going to tell her..

She let me in and closed the door behind her, i sat on the couch and she sat on the couch opposing it.

"Chris, i..i don't know how to say this" i chuckled nervously

She didn't say anything, she just waited for me to continue.

"Okay.. ahh, um these 5 months, we were...uh hanging out..i, this is so hard oh lord. I uh.." I stuttered

"Just say it"

"Ok. I.i like you, like i really like you, and the whole month youve been ignoring me, i missed you, not the sex" i rolled my eyes

"I missed your presence, i missed you wearing my shirts and your cuddles. I miss you." I admitted and i saw softness in her eyes

"But you have a girlfriend" she ignored my eyes again


"The girl you were talking on the phone that morning at breakfast.." She rolled her eyes

I chocked once i realized what shes talking about

"That was my sister. Oh lord, you did not just think that was my girlfriend. I'd never do anything like that if i had a girlfriend, i would not be telling you how i feel about you if i had a girlfriend" i chuckled

"Oh" was all she said

"So..uh" i stood up.

Felling nervous, i put my hands in my jean pocket, i bit my lip looking at the ground, then at her. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

She slowly nodded and i basically climbed on top of her, she laid on the couch and me on top of her. I hugged her, her laugh echoing through the entire room, i joined her. After we both calmed down "but we're going to take it slow..like no having sex, kissing, making out.." She said

I nodded and kissed her cheek "anything for you" i shot her a smile and she returned it.

"Oh, and i like you too" she blushed and said

My smile grew and i nodded


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