Chapter Twenty Nine

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Tzuyu's POV,

So I went home with a smile of my face because we truly had fun to their house. Im so happy because two years has passed but then we still together as a friend you know!

"Jungkook? Im home!"

I shout as I open the light but the I saw him smiling at me while holding some roses. What's happening to this world?

"Uhm. Surprise?"

I laugh st his shy face while holding the flowers. Did he even look so cute while smiling. Argh that bunny teeth!

"What's good huh?"

I asked while he gave me some flowers and hugged me. Im shocked because he's been sweet for a day.

"Its nothing, I just want to surprise you everyday, Love."

I smile at his effort even if he didnt meant to, I sigh happily and hug him tight while smelling the roses that he gave to me.

"So, where you doing at Momo's house baby?"

I smile and pull him off to cut the hugs that weve share. I thought he will be mad because I went home exactly at 6:30 in the evening.

"Oh well, we jusy watch some movies together with their daughter and you know what? their daughter is so cute to the point that I badly want to borrow her for a day and take care of her but then Taehyung and Momo are so overprotective that they dont want me to take care of their kids. Argh! its so frustrating but I kinda love it."

He just smile and poked my cheeks when I blow my air in madness and in joy.

"Hmm, what if we should start doing our own children? Shall we?"

He ups and downs his eyebrow while smirking to me. My eyes widen, what the fish did he said to me?

I slap his chest lightly make him laughed at me, I seriously want one but this is not the right time for me, I still didnt even achieve my one and only dream.

"Im just joking baby, nothing more! I can wait as long as you dont feel it."

"But then we're already divorce hubby!"

He smirked again making me confused, like what the hell did he thinking off? I already signatured the file but I guess he didnt even do that.

"Well well well, we're still married my love. I really dont want to divorce and I really love you until forever."

I just smile, I knew it. I thought he already signed it. But its okey I know what he's doing.

"Are you mad at me baby?"

I sigh and just smile at him, I dont want to end this day just to be angry with him. I loved him okey?

"Im just-- disappointed but its okey, im not mad at you!"

He smiles and I saw a little tear on his right eye. Pfft such a baby jungkook.

"By the way, I need to change my clothes because... apparently its so cold. Can you wait for me and we will eat together?"

I asked and favor at the same time and he just smile and lend me to go to my room and change my clothes before we eat our dinner that Jungkook cooked and served.

I know that this is one of my favorite night... with him.

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