90) Kings and Thieves

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Title: Kings and Thieves
Author: Oceanslostinstars
What is 'Kinds and Thieves'?
          - It is a powerful fantasy by a writer with a curiously beautiful name


- Check for typos and proof-read before posting
- Sometimes use snappier and shorter catches like onomatopoeia to grab your reader's attention
- Go into more detail and link more things in when describing something i.e. the beige door with the rusted bronze handle or other items, even if not irrelevant, don't be afraid to use distinct imagery and memorable links
- Explain the proximity of things in the rooms, their relationships, how big or small or colourful things are

          Kings and Thieves is every historian's heaven, basically. Some may believe, anyway. This is because its depth and detail into older times and ways is so intricate and so realistic, everything becomes automatically imagined as old and royal and divine, unless the author says otherwise. Ari and Aveline are both wicked and wonderful, with a relationship that is gold and seemingly inescapable. It's an easy book to read into and become trapped in, it hides from modernism but delves into prettier things like pearls and balls and gowns, but also gives so much light to so much more secrecy and hidden atrocities. The sublime descriptions are lovely, with purple fruit links and 'dark eyes glittering predatorily'. As far as our history goes at teaching our lessons, I'm not sure any more needs to be said.


'The island kingdoms of the Detache Ocean have been cautiously flourishing for three hundred and seventy years. Ari and Aveline have been happily robbing every one of them for about five. But Lyla Quincy, a daughter of the Grand Duchess of Apreuna, has been stuck in her own kingdom for almost two decades - and she wants out.
She's about to get her chance.
Young princes and princesses all over the kingdoms are vanishing in the night, and no one can figure out where they have gone. When the Queen of Apreuna asks notorious thieves Ari and Aveline for assistance, the kingdom is shocked. And Lyla wants to solve the mystery too - but when she tags along on an adventure with a gang of criminals, she might uncover more secrets than she bargained for.'

Read beautiful, beautiful.

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