6) Scarred

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Title; Scarred
Author; thatTJgirl
What is 'Scarred'?
-Scarred is a fantasy/tragedy kind of story where two girls (twins) have powers and bad things happen :(


•A lot of punctuation either lacking or in the wrong place (but I know you're fixing this so I won't blabber on.)
•Make your sentences a LOT more complex
•Include sooooo much more detail
•Try not to summarise what everyone's doing, by summarise, I mean that instead of describing a picture and letting the reader imagine it in their head, you tell them what's happening. The reader can still imagine, but the picture isn't as detailed or deep.
•Use more adjectives...a lot more. I think that if you use more adjectives then it would make everything a lot more interesting
•Don't use the names of the characters too often- the characterisation is really good so most of the time we know who's talking anyway
•I think that there should be a lot more emotion, whether it's communicated by body language, words or actions- I think the girls should be a lot more emotive. I think this because personally my dad died when I was ten and it just totally broke me, and my family wasn't really secure to begin with- so these girls, who've always seemingly had a safe and happy home would just completely be the most depressed and sad people ever if both of their parents died, especially on their eighteenth birthday and so suddenly. So I think there should be a bigger reaction once they get home- and are faced with all the memories of their parents in their home as well.

The plot line for 'Scarred' is really good and deep, it allows two girls who seem to have not faced hardship to come in contact with something seriously tragic. The writing is mostly clear to understand and pretty much always gets to the point- it's very direct. There are times when their characterisation shines through and better times where we see their relationship as twins- and their relationship is very realistic.
The mystery is half contained and there is a lot of moments where I was thinking 'hmmm, what does THAT mean?' because I kept trying to guess what was going to happen. This story is pretty unpredictable and in a good way- you have to read to find out. The corner of A&W street and how they were actually stuck on the road that was in traffic due to a huge event to them is really, really effective.

Do I recommend 'Scarred'
- if you're looking for partial mystery and fantasy, then yes.

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