Chapter one

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By the Aplomb writer: Hamagee

Chap 1
   It's a bright and cool morning in *SHAAREN* (one of those local governments in Kwara state). Roseline staggers out of the house,her eyes are swollen and she was half awake,she yawns and stretches lazily covering her mouth with the back of her palm. She stoops to get the water pots so that she will head for the stream but stops midway as she noticed that blood has smeared her legs,she examines the blood and traces it up her thighs. A sudden wave of apprehension engulfs her. Elizabeth,her mother,comes out of her room and calls her,"Rose",Roseline turns with the speed of high tuning to hide her bloodstained buttocks."What are you still doing there that you haven't gone to the stream?"said her mother,Roseline stutters "I..I",her mother asked "I what? You saw a ghost on your way or what's it that you saw today?",Roseline said"I...I forgot my head pad","then go and get it and stop staring like a lost child there you still have a lot of work to do when you get back. I hope you know that?",her mother said,Roseline said "yes Mama" and then begins to move sideways towards the door so that she will always be facing her mother. Her mother was suspicious "what is this one that you are moving with your side?"asked her,Roseline began scratch the back of her neck and then said,"Mama it's nothing",her mothers probing eyes soon spot the bloodstain on her legs just before she vanishes into the house. The revelation has a demoralizing effect on the mother,Roseline comes out shortly in a dress after cleaning the bloodstain on her body,she keeps a straight face from her mother's feasting eyes and hurriedly jerks up her water pot and said "I'm on my way Mama","Roseline",her mother's call halts her "Yes Mama".her mother said,"come here",Roseline reluctantly comes after feebly protesting that she's late for the stream,"where is your wrapper?",Roseline pretends to be lost "I mean the one you wore before you went in just now!"explained the mother,"it's dirty and I...I want to wash it",answered Roseline,her mother ask her again "can I see it?",Roseline alarmed "but I just told you it's dirty,Mama","yes,and I've just told you I want to see it,do you have any problem with bringing it just for me to see?",answered her mother,Roseline remains fixed to a spot,"now,go in and bring that wrapper,are you hiding anything from me?",Roseline motions her head to signify no,"good,then go get it,I will be waiting we have a lot to talk about",concluded the mother.. Roseline puts down the pot and sluggishly goes to get the wrapper,she brings it out in no time,the mother collects it and spreads it against the sky,Roseline keeps a distance from her mother and looks away,her mother walks up to her places her left arm around her daughter's shoulder and the palm of the other to guide her cheek to make their eyes meet. Roseline is shy-struck as she looks down drawing imaginary lines on the ground with her big toes,her mother start saying "that was your first blood,wasn't it?",Roseline nods,her mother continue "it's nothing to be ashamed of,it only means you're now full grown and virile woman,please come with me,let's sit",her mother takes a mat that is leaning against the wall and spreads it on the floor,they both sit,tears begin to drop from the mother's eyes,Roseline becomes frightened seeing her mother weap,she then say "Mama,what's it?why are you crying? Is anything wrong with me?",her mother said quickly "No,nothing is wrong with you my daughter,I'm not prepared for this,I'm not prepared to see you leave me now","leave you! But I'm not leaving you"said Roseline,the mother continue "you talk as thought u were a child but you are not one any more, you should know what I mean when I say you are leaving me,now they will come for you,it grieves my heart knowing I cannot stop",Roseline say "Mama,who will come for me?",the mother replies "suitors,my daughter,suitors who get married for reasons other than the need for a wife,soon,you'll be introduced to adult game of shame and greed" she cries again.

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