Chapter thirty

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By the Aplomb writer: Hamagee

Chap 30
      *JUST FUN* Today is Monday,20th of February and we're having English Language as the first period,I woke up as early as 6:00am,prayed,bath and had my breakfast,I reached school around 7:00am,I met few students at school,among them were *Alice Bakoji,Emmanuella Emmanuel,Fatima AA,Maryam Ahmad,Saleh Modibbo,Ephraim Enemali and Abdul-Mutaheer Adezie Lawi*. I asked Emmanella whether she has written *Mrs. Chika's* exercises,she said she did only comprehension,and we're supposed to did one complete charpter,which contains *speech* (oral english), *Language structure*, *Mechanics*, *Vocabulary development*, *context clues*, *Word study*, *Comprehension and summary*, *Composition*.. I laughed and laughed,I said let's wait for others to come,maybe some did it,Emmanuella asked Ephraim whether he did it,he said he didn't also. We sat there chatting,after some minutes students started coming,and what will make you laugh is that none of them did it too and instead of us to meet and did the assignment together,no we don't,we're waiting for someone who did it so that we'll copy. Some minutes *Okechukwu*,the son of Mrs. Chika,that's the English teacher arrived,we were both afraid that Mrs. Chika has arrived too since they usually came together,and when it's time to start lesson,she don't use to add a single minute before entering. *Easha bebe,Sumayya,Ummee mega,Hauwa Abdullahi and me* were both arrived but none of us has done the work. 7:57:am dot Mrs. Chika entered the class,"good Morning mah",that's what both of us stood and said,she doesn't likes too much greeting so she asked us to sit down,after we sat,she ask each and everyone of us to bring out his Intensive English textbook and assignment book that we're going to write an assignment,both of us were looking at each other because none of us did the work,"why are you staring at each other? I said bring out your textbooks *silly things*",that's how she usually abuse us ' *Silly things*' 😂😂. We brought out our books as she said,we just did the assignment but none of us is sure of getting even one thing right because we must use a dictionary before solving most of the works,that's how our teacher taught us,I feel very proud of us and our teachers because even if we ain't the best,I'm sure that we're among the best among other schools. When we finished the assignment we both submitted it,some of us haven't finished but they have to submit because when the time she gave us finished,she usually collects it whether we're done or note. I saw *Maimuna VC*,the daughter of the old V.C,she's just coming,Mrs. Chika called her the way she usually does "Mehmunaa the late comer,so this is the time you're supposed to come to school?",Maimuna smiled just the way she use to be,she covered her mouth with her hijab before smiling,that's her style. *Fatima A.A* come through the window asking us for the assignment because Mrs. Chika is going to their class now,we gave her the textbook where we ticked some of the answers and leave some,she collected the book and thanked us before leaving,we both laugh at the way she thanked us as if we did the work right,she taught we did it right maybe. The same thing happens in B class when she left our class,after then she entered A class and gave them the assignment too. They also copied from B class.C class to B class and B class to A class,what a lovely moment 😂😂.. *A day later...* Mrs. Chika brought back our books,she was very angry at the way she saw all of our works the same,nothing has change other from others,she abuses us and then made correction,since from that none of us try to copy exactly from somebody when it comes to English language.. I love my English teacher Mrs. Chika,I've missed her a lot,I misses all of my schoolmates too..#One luv..

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