chapter twelve

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By the Aplomb writer: Hamagee

Chap 12
     Roseline felt sorry for him for the first time,so she says "never you worry,the bygone is bygone ohk!! But really there isn't any agenda of marrying now in my plan. I wanted to gets further into my education,I wanted to gets into the *university* as soon as my admission comes out. So please help me and help yourself so that both of us could save our time".. Stephen was shocked with Roselin's words but he did as if he didn't felt anything bad. He says "I understands all your feelings,but actually you have to help me anyhow,you see,I love you with all my live Rose!! And truly,I can't do without you,after all,marriage won't be a barrier to your education. I promise you that when we gets married,you will surely go back to any school you wished to,I promise you that". Roseline started to cry,Stephen that was so confused says "what's the matter Rose? I hope I didn't said anything bad? If it's so,I'm sorry my one,please have a seat so that we'll talk better",he then help her to sat on the chair before he seats too.. There he begins to consoles her,he tells her sweet words which he taught will be able to make her happy,but unfortunately,that wasn't Roselin's problem,her problem is that she wants him to tell her Mom that he wouldn't be marrying her again,that it's better for her to when she finished her *University* before getting married. When Roseline finished telling Stephen this story,Stephen seems to be fainted,he didn't utter a word until after some while. Stephen tries his possible best just to make Roseline understands that marriage won't forbid her from getting into *university* but at all,Roseline doesn't want to understand anything. After sometime,Roselin's Mom comes out from her room,she seems to be very happy,and that's because her daughter Roseline has a suitor now. When she reached them,she noticed that none of them seem to be happy,she taught it was because of her presence now,(u know whenever you're together with your love ones,you wouldn't like to be disturbed by anything or anyone).. She then says "am sorry children,I don't mean to disturb the two of you,you know,I just wanted to have my lunch ohk",Stephen tries to hide his sadness and then explains to her "it's nothing like that Aunt,we aren't bothered with your presence at all,so don't blame yourself",he then smiles at her. Roselin's Mom smiled back and says "ohh thank goodness it isn't me",she said laughing,Stephen says "I should be on my way Aunt",Roselin's mother says "ohh just now!!"supprisely.. Stephen smiles and says "we have finished talking with Rose right?",he said looking at Roseline,Roseline that was just watching their drama suprisely says "ohh sure,he said it immediately before you came out",the mother says "ohk! But are the both of you sure of what you're saying?",Stephen says "sure Aunt",she then says "I hope it's well with the both of you",Stephen says "sure aunt,we're all happy with the decision you've made for us",he smiles at her,Roselin's mother was very happy.. They both see him of,Roseline and him were acting just like real lovers to hide what they were facing in front of the mother. The mother taught it was all true. When Stephen enters the car,Roselin's Mother went inside the house leaving Roseline and him together,just then Stephen remembered with the cell phone he brought to Roseline,he gave her even though she refused it,but he forced her until she agrees and collects it..

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