Chapter twenty-one

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By the Aplomb writer: Hamagee

Chap 21
    Roseline says "yes...but it isn't such serious,I just have to rest",she then smiled at him,he smiled too and then said a goodbye to her before leaving,"ohh my geee,Ephraim is just awesome,he's heart taking,look at the way he's talking to me just now,with much concern and care not like other men,he look handsome too...I don't want to behave foolishly in his presence,if not that I should have follow him there",Roseline said just when Ephraim left the room,she taught of many foolish things before going to sleep. When Ephraim comes out from Roselin's room,he just heads out but he isn't happy at all,he taught Roseline will be able to follow him to the house,but anyways he knows what he'll do next. He close the door and went straight to his car,he opened it and shoved himself inside it and then leave the house. Ephraim didn't came back till 9:00pm.He met Roseline sitting in the parlour waiting for him,she quickly stands up when she saw him coming in,Ephraim felt sorry for her,he says "so sorry dear,I apologize for not coming home early",Roseline that wanted to fights him felt sorry and says "it's ohk,but you should have come back early",Ephraim says "I apologize again",holding his two ears with both hands. They both laughed,Ephraim asks Roseline to go and sleep now since it's already past nine,they will be going to school by 7:00am tomorrow,Roseline agrees without any argument,she said a good night to him before leaving the parlour. Ephraim closed the doors and off the lights before going in to sleep. He changes his clothes and off the light,all he's doing now is nothing but thinking of Roseline. Ephraim likes her since the day they met,but truly it isn't that he loves her,but he likes her,and if Roseline will agrees with him,they will just have fun for the main time. But he isn't sure whether Roseline will agrees with him. Roseline was busy chatting on what's app because she's now on social media,she wants to sleep but she couldn't because she spend much time sleeping the other time,it's around 12:00am when she off her mobile data and plugs the phone to charge. She then lied on the bed hoping for sleep to come. She didn't take much time before she finally sleep. ************************* *The next day*... Roseline woke up early as 6:00am,she took her bath and then brush her teeth,after that,she prepared for school before coming out,she made tea and had her breakfast with bread,after she finished,she starts to wait for Ephraim. She entered her room and brings out her phone and handbag so that when Ephraim finish,they will just be leaving. Ephraim woke around 6:15am,he take his bath and gets ready to leave,he carried his phone with the car keys,he's just rushing because he knew that Roseline is waiting for him.He come out around 6:55am and then take tea before they leave.

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