Chapter eight

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By the Aplomb writer: Hamagee

Chap 8
     Stephen isn't afraid of anyone to see them like that so he says "and so? By the way even if you scream nobody can here you because...",he showed her the door which was closed by him earlier,Roseline got frightened because she knows that no one will heard anything when the door is closed,but she has to find another way to be out of this. She starts to beg him to let her go but Stephen refused instead he pushed her to the bed and starts kissing her all over,even though Roseline was a young girl really but she can differentiate what's right from wrong,so she knows that Stephen isn't doing the right thing but she can do nothing now but to continue begging him whether he will stop and leave her out there. Aunt Bunmi and Roseline's Mother were busy chatting not knowing what's going on between their children,aunt Bunmi just taught that Stephen doesn't wants to wake up that's why Roseline keeps waking him up. Until when Stephen finished his stupid romance with Roseline before he leaves her,he follows her to the parlour where both of them had breakfast after he greeted them. After then,Roseline cleanup everywhere and washed the dishes. From that time,she hates Stephen and don't talks to him anyway and don't even wants to see him at all,while Stephen now realize that he's madly in love with her but he couldn't imagine it,he wants to apologize for what he did the other time to her,but he failed due to the way she's behaving at him since today's morning. He's so worried that he can't even hide his problem but Roseline doesn't even wants to listen at him. The two parents were watching their children's move even though Roseline tries so hard not to let them realise anything but they did. They do noticed that their children were in love with each other not knowing how much Roseline hates Stephen,something that Roseline's Mother realise was Roseline doesn't like staying among them since yesterday,but she taught it's because of Stephen so she just forget it and continue with her life."Steph dear!",his mother called out "yes Mommy",he answered,the mother says "I hope u don't forget that we're going back home by tomorrow morning",Stephen heaved and says "I knew mother",the mother says "good of you,so you shouldn't be late tomorrow morning,make sure that you wake up early",Stephen answers "yes Mom". Around 9:00pm at night,they both went to sleep so they could wake up early tomorrow. Stephen wasn't able to sleep he's busy thinking of the past moment between him and Roseline,the *girl* was quite sweet,he taught to himself. Sincerly speaking,he don't wants to go back home tomorrow because he can't afford to miss his *girl* anyhow,and unfortunately he couldn't fish anything out that will help him serves as an excuse so they couldn't go back tomorrow.. "Ohh stupid me,why is it that I can't find any solution",he hits his head while saying this,still he can't found any way out,at last he made the decision that when they get back home,he would have to come back here alone just to spend some times with his *girl* even if Roseline won't like it. He slept in no time. Roseline also wasn't sleeping all this time,she was busy recalling that moment that stupid Stephen romances her,and yet she allowed him did all this,but in the other hand she's happy that they'll be leaving tomorrow,so nobody will disturbs her again. That was how she sleeps today...

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