Chapter seven

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By the Aplomb writer: Hamagee

Chap 7
    Stephen was busy thinking about Roseline all this night even though he don't want to,by the way he just likes her as he thinks. He wish the night could be over so he can see her again,he just can't afford to miss seeing her,she's so dear to him. Stephen slept in no time that night. Early in the morning, Roseline woke up as early as 6am today,there's enough water in all the pots so there isn't the need for her to fetch it today,also today is Tuesday so they will bring tap water for them,she cleanup the house and starts to the prepare breakfast,around 7:00am Roseline's mother and Aunt Bunmi waken from their sleep,Roseline went to the room and greets them,after that she comes out and continues with the chore,when she might had finished,she went and called her mother and aunt Bunmi who has already bath,they all came out to have the breakfast. Roseline's Mom looked around and says "and where is Stephen my son?",aunt Bunmi says "I think he's busy with that kind of his sleeping attitude,he only wakes up when he likes",Roseline's mom smiled and ask Roseline to go and wakes him up,"Rose"she calls,Roseline answers "yes Mama",the mother says "oya go fetch your brother,even if u find him sleeping,try to wake him up but don't do it harshly,am I clear?",Roseline says "sure Mama",and there she begins to go to his room,when she reached the room she tries very hard before she's able to knock on the door. "Yes! Who's there",asked Stephen,Roseline that was so eager to tell him what she's sent to say "it's me Rose",with her sweetest voice that Stephen likes the most,immediately when Stephen heard her voice,he jumped up from the bed and approaches the door so he opened it and asks Roseline to come in,Roseline says "I'm going now,it's mother that asks me to wake u whether you're sleeping,both of us were waiting for you to have the breakfast",Stephen that was busy looking at Roseline's lips in a romantic way which makes her feels more uncomfortable with him,says he "you can come in and help me prepare myself ohk",Roseline says "but why? I was just asked to call you but not to help you do anything else",Stephen looked at her and says. "Look don't argue with me please,it's nothing there just to help me get prepared for the breakfast by the way,I sees you like a sister to me so don't take it in the other way",Roseline was now relieved and she follows him to the room,she asks him "what can I help you with brother Steph?",Stephen likes the way she just called him so he says "bring that shirt",he said pointing at the shirt that was placed on the bed,before Roseline could reached there Stephen has already closed the door and reached where she was. He hugs her at the back and suddenly starts to romance her,Roseline that was completely frozen there,starts to asks him not to continue with what he's doing because definately their parents will be angry if they come to know about it,but still Stephen isn't ready to stop it so she started to shouts at him and tells him that if he didn't stops acting the way he just did she's going to screams and she will tells them everything that he does..

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