Chapter nine

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By the Aplomb writer: Hamagee

Chap 9
    The day after, Both Roseline and her mother wakes up early and started to prepare the breakfast together,the don't spend much time before they finished. Aunt Bunmi and Stephen were busy preparing to leave,after Roseline and her mother might have finished the breakfast,both of them sat and break the fast together. Stephen was busy staring at Roseline,when somebody comes to noticed it,he quickly drops his gaze,while Roseline was busy eating,even once she didn't allowed their gazes to meet,she never raises up her head when she noticed that he's looking at her. After they finished with the breakfast,Roseline parks everything and clear up everywhere as usual. While Aunt Bunmi and Roseline's Mom get back to her room and continued to get ready.vLikewise Stephen does. Around 9:15am,both Stephen and his Mom were ready to leave. Roseline's mother also provides them with gifts she can afford to,Aunt bunmi was so happy,even though Roseline's mother wasn't such satisfied with her needs,but still she gives people the small that she had. Aunt Bunmi will so much miss Roseline and her Mom,likewise Roseline's mom,but quite sure Roseline wouldn't miss her much so because she's eager for them to leave just because of Stephen,Stephen would also misses Roseline a lot but Roseline would did otherwise. "Steph my dear get the luggages to the car!",aunt Bunmi ordered,Stephen answers with "sure Mom",he begins to park all the luggages,when he might had finished with that,he tells the mother that he's done with that. Aunt Bunmi said they can go now,Roseline and her mother follows to see them off. They both exchanges greeting before aunt Bunmi and Stephen left.. Roseline and her mother gets back to the house and rests for a while before they cooked lunch and serve it. Around 11:30am,Aunt Bunmi called Roseline's mom and told her that they've arrived safely,Roseline's mom greets her before she hang up. Roseline was busy sleeping then so don't even know that aunt Bunmi has called. 3weeks later, Roseline and her Mom were watching TV channel when Aunt Bunmi called her,she smiles before she picked the call,they both exchange greetings as always,Aunt Bunmi then tells her something which Roseline that was there doesn't even know what they're talking about,she just heard when her mother says "it's nothing to be worried about just tell him to come he shouldn't worry at all",she hang the call after they finished talking. Roseline's mother didn't tell Roseline anything and Roseline also doesn't care to know because she asks her nothing,by the way she was busy watching news on NTA so her mind wasn't with them. Around 10:30 when they finished watching one Nigerian film titled 'The evil forest'.Roseline says good night to her mother and the mother replied her before she enters her room. Roseline also went to her room,removes her cloth and wear a night fits and then sleep. It doesn't take much time when she sleep...


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