Chapter twenty-three

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By the Aplomb writer: Hamagee

Chap 23
     *A month later*... Roseline and Ephraim were watching TV at night,she laid on him while he's playing with her long parked hair,Roseline isn't feeling too well throughout today,she was having stomach pain since morning. And now she's feeling something she never felt before,Ephraim was busy telling her stories not knowing what's going on,he didn't realize anything until when she started vomiting. She scattered everywhere around the place with vomit. Ephraim says "sorry sweethrt! What's wrong with you?",Roseline can't answer any of his talks.  He quickly went to his toilet and brought out a toilet-roll,he cleanup everywhere and then helped Roseline to clean herself in the toilet,she change her clothes and then lied on Ephraim's bed helplessly. Ephraim went back to the place Roseline vomited and mopped it with a mopper,he tide the place and then come back to his room. He took a shower and changes his clothes,he then sit near Roseline consoling her, "Sorry sweet,I think you should get up so that we can go to hospital to check your health condition",said Ephraim. Roseline says "It isn't necessary because am getting well a bit",Ephraim says "but it's necessary since you're still weak,don't argue with me please,I can see that you ain't feeling well,so get up and let's go huh!",Roseline without any argument gets up and says "let's go",she don't know why,but she couldn't bear to see her arguing with Ephraim,maybe it's because she loved him,that's how she taught. "Common sweet! Let's go now,what are you thinking of now?",said Ephraim,Roseline that blushed a simple smile says "nothing love,we should be on our way",Ephraim smiled in return and helped her gets up,there they gone. *∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞* None of the two utters a word on the way to the hospital,only that Ephraim starred at Roseline most of the times. There isn't long queue,so they didn't waste much time to see the doctor,the doctor asked them to go and have a test there in the laboratory when he gave them a paper that they'll take along,Ephraim collected the paper and holds Roselin's hand,there isn't anyone there so they just entered. The Liberian asked her to enter the toilet and urinate,Roseline entered with one small container that he asked her to bring the urine inside,without any waste of time she brings the urine where he tests it and gives them the result on that sheet of paper which they came with,that's the one they collected from the doctor. They take the paper to the doctor's office,the doctor collects it and writes something on it before he faces the both of them,he start by saying "it's nothing to be worried about",because he realised how Ephraim was so worried since when they came,he coughed before continuing. "Is she your wife?",he asks looking at Ephraim,Epraim looked at Roseline that was looking at him too wondering what the reason behind this question is.He says "why are you asking such a question doctor?",The doctor says "calm down man,it's just a question,it isn't something to be worried about!",he said it because he saw how high tempered Ephraim was that time. Ephraim tries to keep himself calm before he answered the doctor with "yes,and what's the matter?",Roseline looked at him with a questioned expression but she didn't utter a word.

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