Chapter twenty-seven

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By the Aplomb writer: Hamagee

Chap 27
     Ephraim arrived around 12:05am,he went and met doctor Richard before going to the room where Roseline was. She was sitting on a chair with her head looking up,she turns her head to the door when she heard it's sound,it's Ephraim,she taught. His face was swollen,his eyes were red,he looked as if he never smiled in his entire live that time,he entered the room with anger,he says "so this is the real Rose abi?",Roseline that was so angry at him gets up looking at him,"this is the real Rose or this the real you",she said pointing a finger at him,she continue "I've never known that someone like you could stoops so low to betrayed and waste a small *girl's* life just like you did to me,you've destroyed me and my entire live Ephraim,you've put a dark stain on a clean white cloth,why Ephraim...whyyy",she burst into tears. Ephraim that was standing there like a moron shouted "enough!! I said enough of your drama Mrs drama queen! You don't have to pretend to be innocent since the truth is now clear,you've been cheating on me for all this while,if not where did you get a HIV? Tell me where??",Roseline that couldn't imagine how Ephraim turns white into black and red to yellow says "so you think I'll cheat on you?",Ephraim with full courage says "yes of course,if not that,where did you get infected with such a deadly virus huh? Tell me! I said tell me Rose", "Enough of this drama please!! Enough",Roseline shouted,she then says "even if you won't agrees with your mistake,it can't change the fact that you're HIV positive too,maybe you will say that I was the one who infected you but deeply inside you,you know that you're the one who brought it,and yes you can't deny the fact that you've HIV too",she then has a seat. Ephraim says "that's what I want to know,I wanted to know it whether you've infects me or not,that's why we're both going to meet the doctor right away,if I ain't affected that means you're the one who brought it and yes god has saved me,likewise if I'm also having,that mean I spread it to you or you did it". Roseline agrees but deep in her mind she knows that something is going on,maybe they talked with the doctor,so she won't agrees if the doctor declares that he isn't a victim too because she's sure that it's him that infects her. When they met doctor Richard,he tests Ephraim and declared him not a victim,Roseline said she didn't agreed so they went to another hospital,the same thing happens that he's HIV negative,they went to five hospitals and both of them said the same thing and that made Roseline believed that Ephraim is innocent but where could she have gotten a HIV. Roseline doesn't know that Ephraim had talked with all those hospitals they went,he gave them money that's why they declared him a negative of HIV. She cried cried since she can't argue now. They went back home where Ephraim parked all of her belongs and puts them behind the gate. He dropped her right outside the gate,he then entered and brings the log gages out,he says "I don't want to ever see your dirty face near this house,go back to your old mother's place or go back to the *University* and give them the rest of your dirty body!!",without listening for her,he entered his car and drives inside,after then,he closed the door and went inside happily.

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