Chapter twenty-five

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By the Aplomb writer: Hamagee

Chap 25
      It was 8:00 in the morning when they arrived home,Roseline is to weak,so Ephraim did all the chores,he made a hot tea for her. After she had breakfast,Ephraim gives her medicine just the way Dr. Richard prescribed,after then,he asks her to get sleeping as the doctor says. *3 months later*... The *University* of Illorin has done with first semester examination,right now the result is out,so many students were there to see their results,some are happy while some seems to be unhappy. It's very very unfortunate for Roseline to see her own score,she has Fail for each and every course as if they were marked by the same person,and the worst part of it is that she has been withdrawn from the school which makes her falls sick immediately. She's having a serious fever just now which make her call Ephraim's phone. He's busy chatting with friends when his phone starts ringing,he fells as if he shouldn't pick the call but he just picked it. Her soft and cool voice starts saying "I'm done Ephraim,where are you now?",Ephraim that pretends to be worried says "what's wrong with you sweet? I hope everything is well with you?",Roseline cries "how can I be well now,please come and meet here,I'm right away waiting for you now please",Ephraim said he is coming before hanging up the call. He smiled a bit before taking a leave. She runs towards him immediately when she saw him coming,she hugged him while crying,he asked her the matter and she told him everything,he couldn't believe it until he went and saw it for his self,he felt so sorry for her but anyway it isn't his business since he didn't prevent her from studying,he consoles her and take her home immediately. Roseline was so stressed now,when she asked Ephraim about his result,he didn't tells her right away,he lied to her that he's having 3 carry-over and 2-passes,while he isn't having any carry-over,instead,he has 4 A and 1 B. Roseline starts to regret her live,she regrets what she've done before,she's now helpless. How could she have done all of these,now she has been withdrawn from the *University* she has fought for. It's now useless. *Days later* Ephraim and his friend Dr. Richard were having some conversation about Roseline. Ephraim says "truly I'm tired of seeing that girl in my house,I wanted to invite Ester since last week but I couldn't just because of her,I knew that Ester would be very difficult to me when she gets to know something about Rose,so please do something to help me out",Ephraim concluded,Dr. Richard says "you don't have to worry I've a perfect plan",Ephraim that was so eager to heard it says "oya!! now tell me something special",Dr. Richard says "it's about she having HIV,I think she doesn't know anything about it right?" Ephraim answers "exactly! What's special there? That she's infected with HIV via me?",Dr. Richard says "calm down man,it isn't the way taught. What I mean is that,since you've told me that she's having a fever for the few days,then you should brings her for a test,and when you heard that the result is HIV present,then from there you can make a drama that you can't stay with her anymore,that she had been cheating on you for all this time Then tells her that you've thanked god that you ain't affected too,when she tries to denies you,then ask me to test you,from there you can take her out of your live you see!"..

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