Chapter nineteen

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By the Aplomb writer: Hamagee

Chap 19
    Roselin's Mother was so angry that she reached where Roseline was and gave her a hard slap,it's so painful that you can see it from Roselin's face. Aunt Bunmi and her husband quickly come upon them and starts to consoles her, "It's ohk Elizabeth,please don't hit your child like that again,after all she's just a small kid ohk!!",Roselin's mother never hits her like this before,so she feels unrest,Aunt Bunmi takes her back to the parlour where she keeps on consoling her. While Roseline quickly entered the room,she wiped out the tears that rolls down her checks,she can't think of anything to do but to call Ephraim,she brings out her phone from the bag she's holding,she quickly dail his number. Ephraim was driving when his phone starts to ring,he didn't hesitate to pick it,"hello Ephraim",Roseline said,Ephraim that was surprise with her call right now says "hy Rose! Is everything alright",after all her voice seems to be cracking when she says hello!!. Roseline tells him everything that's going on and asks for his help because she don't want to miss her school at any cost,Ephraim understands her emotions so instead of a good friend to consoles and show her the right way,no he didn't,he asked her to leave them,he will come and pick her up that she should get her log ages ready before then,Roseline that was so foolish agrees with him and thanked him before hanging the call. She can't think of anything else now,she just wants to save her education no matter what will happen and no matter who she'll fights with,even if it's her own Mother. Around 3:00pm,Roselin's cloths were all ready,Ephraim's call enters,she quickly picks it "hello Ephraim",on the other side Ephraim answers "hi,I'm right here at your house,you can come out",Roseline says "ohh sure!! I'll be right there in some few minutes",she then hang up the call. She carried her log gages and went out of the room immediately without any kind of fear. Aunt Bunmi,Roselin's Mother and Aunt Bunmi's husband were both sitting in the parlour when Roseline comes out of her room holding two of her trolleys with hand bag in her arm. Both of them stands up at the same time asking her where she'll go,Roseline without any sign of respect or any fear says "and what's your problem with me? I think you don't have to ask me because yes you all know how much I value my *University* education and I can do anything to see that I aimed my goal",when Aunt Bunmi tries to stop her,Roselin's Mother asks her not to do so. She says "no one will stop Rose from going,not even I,because she isn't my daughter at all,Roseline my child could never do such a horrible thing,so please let her go. I don't even want to see her face again",Aunt Bunmi that was shocked says "for goodness sake don't say this again Elizabeth,you just have to stop her from going and then tries your best to forgive her". Roselin's Mother laughed a bit before saying "you're saying that I should forgive Rose? I don't think Rose needs my forgiveness because she's so blind with this so called *University* life that she can't even differentiate what's right or wrong,she has become a deaf ear,let her go please I don't want to see her again,go Roseline go!!",she burst out with cries.

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