chapter eleven

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By the Aplomb writer: Hamagee

Chap 11
     She went out while the mother was just adoring her,after Roseline comes out from her room,she directly heads to the parlour silently,when she reached the visitor,she didn't talk to him at all,she just stand watching him like a TV. It was he that quickly raised up his head when he noticed there is someone's presence at the time,Roseline stands there like a frozen fish,"so it's you Steph?",she said while pointing at him,Stephen gets up looking at Roseline before he says "yes Darling,do you know that you're looking the most prettiest princess I've ever seen before? You're so much Baby"he said while blowing a kiss to her. She gets more angry than before,she points a finger at him and says "I can't imagine that you could stoop so low to set your eyes on me again,as if you've forgotten what you really did to me the other day,I guess you've forgotten huh!!",Stephen smiled and says "am sorry for what happened the other day but can't you give me even one change again?"he said as if he will burst out with cry. When Roseline left the room,her mother leaves too,but she entered her room so as to let the children have their talks freely,but suddenly she remembered something,so she stood up and went out of the room,to the parlour she heads where she saw both of them standing as if they're fighting. "Hello",distracts the mother,both of them turns towards her,she says "why are the both of you standing looking at each other like that? Ohh,you two have a set",she said smiling at them,they smiled in return too as they both had their seat,the mother says "Ohh poor this children,wouldn't you go and have your lunch together?",Roseline quickly says "yes mother,but I'm not hungry at all,so I think I should leave him eat and rest for a while",she said happily,the mother says "ohh no my dear! Why should you leave your prince alone? You've to serve him and also feed him as well,so take him to the table now because I knew that he's definately hungry,so go quickly and serve him. In fact,that was what brought me out,to see whether you give him what to eat",Roseline smiles both bitterly inside her mind,she stands up and lead Stephen to the table,her hands inside his. Stephen was very happy and likes what just happened now,but Roseline was so eager that the mother should leave. When the mother seen that everything is now ohk,she left the parlour immediately to let them had their lunch. As soon as the mother leaves,Roseline removes her hands from Stephen's. She served the food and placed it in front of him without she utters any word. Stephen looks at her and says "won't you feed me as Aunt said",Roseline eyed him and answers "then die of hunger,if I'm the one to feed you",she takes her eyes on him. Stephen just smiles and starts to eat the food. No one utter a word till he finished,he says "now,let's go and have a talk pls",Roseline didn't say a word,she only follows him to the parlour,both of them had a seat and there they begins to talk. "I sincerely loves you with all my heart Rose,and as you see I can't help but to burst it out.And yes you have to forget about the past,everyone makes a mistake and so like you know first mistake is always forgiven by the lord,so why can't you too forgive and give me one last chance? I promise you that I'll never hurt you in any way,I promise you that",Stephen said with full concern...

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