Chapter two

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By the Aplomb writer: Hamagee

Chap 2
   Roseline consoles her "it's alright Mama,please to be married isn't something to shed tears for",the mother amused and said "says who? Rose,you will cry I mean real tears",Roseline confusedly said "cry! Tears! I'm lost Mama,is it such a bad thing?",her mother answered "I'm afraid,it is,it used to be a thing of pride what every girl looked forward to the day a man of her dream would come to seek her hand in marriage,not now when hands are taken with disregard for how the owner of the hand feels or thinks,men have turned it to a game of greed,a weapon of oppression and a veritable tool of getting even with foes,the bride has been reduced to a helpless lamb being led to the slaughterhouse,so you see why it has become such a bad thing,I can't possible tell you all you need to know now",a sudden change appeared on Roseline's face which shows how bitter her heart was that time,but she tries to pretend smiling so that the mother won't realise the pain she was going through,she smiled and say "Mama,most one be married?"the mother replies her "can you cope with the stigma of an outcast?it's unacceptable in this part of the world for a girl that has come of age to decide not to get married","I don't have to tell anybody I'm of age"said Roseline,the mother chuckles "what is your name?","my name?"asked Roseline with a confuse expression,"yes your name"the mother replies,Roseline said "I'm Rose",the mother ask again "and what those that mean?","it means a scented flower",answered Roseline,the mother said "exactly,so is your womanhood,it makes you scent like a lovely flower among men,it announces you to their world that you are up for grabs",Roseline said supprisely "really"the mother replies "yes,they fell drawn to you like moths of light",Roseline is now pensive,the mother continues "but please I don't mean to frighten you,I'm just preparing your mind"Roseline said "thank you Mama",the mother replied back "pleasure is mine"... "Mama",Roseline calls out,"yes",the mother answered, "can I ask you a question?"asked Roseline,the mother replied "yes do",Roseline continue "how was life with my father,was he a good husband to you?",the mother nostalgically said "your father! He is the best that ever was,though we were together only for a short period before he was brutally murdered,if there be reincarnation,I would like to be married to him again. He was a great man,a deserving worrier of Shaaren,a man of great honour","who killed him,who killed my father?",Roseline cries,her mother supprisely said "why did it take so long to ask that question?",Roseline say "I guess I was afraid to dig into his world,perhaps I might be disappointed","if you knew him,you'd be proud of him"said the mother,"even now that I didn't,I feel proud of him",replied Roseline,the mother said "the identities of those who killed your father were never hidden,they were people who knew him too well,his own people who","how did he die? I want to know"asked Roseline. The mother answers "he was killed in an ambush","an ambush?"asks Roseline,the mother replies back "yes,during his unguarded hours,he was trying to rid Shaaren of it's dregs and that proved to be his greatest undoing,he was killed in cold blood,they killed him",she sobs,Roseline heaves a sigh of despair and say "it's alright Mama,I'm sorry to have caused old wounds to bleed,at least I know my father was a good man,I want to be on my way now,I'm already late",her mother nods and says "don't be long my child",Roseline picks the water pot and exist...

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