Chapter eighteen

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By the Aplomb writer: Hamagee

Chap 18
     Aunt Bunmi tells Roseline everything,and asks her to get prepared because her Mother wants to see her so badly,and she had already promised her that they'll be going tomorow. Roseline says "but why Aunt,you knew that my Mother is against my further education,why do you think going to see her will sort anything out? To me my Mother will never allowed me to go further that's why I don't want to go back". Aunt Bunmi understands Roselin's emotion but sincerely speaking she knows how it feels when a child tries to be sturbon to his parents,and even if she's Roselin's Mother,she will tries her best to show her that she's the Mother but not her because Roseline seems to be too sturbon. Roseline says "honestly speaking Aunt,I can't go with you,I should rather leave the house because I can't just kill my self in that village. I need to get further,by the way,I'm just a 16yrs old *girl*,so why shouldn't I take my time wisely like all other *girls* of my very age". Aunt Bunmi was shocked with what Roseline just said now,but she tries to calm her down,Roseline seems to be deafth ear to her,"I ain't following you Aunt,it's final",she concluded. She left Aunt Bunmi right sitting there,Aunt Bunmi calls her Mother,when she picked the call,Aunt Bunmi told her everything and asks her to come,Roselin's Mother said she wouldn't come,but Aunt Bunmi insisted till she agrees because she doesn't like it when they have to argue with each other. ************************** *The next day*,, Roselin's Mother woke up early as 6:00am,she starts with having birth,she then had breakfast. After then she left for Illorin. She reached Illorine around 11:00am and reached Aunt Bunmi's house by 11:30am. Aunt Bunmi and her husband welcomed her warmly,Aunt Bunmi says "you're welcome dear,how was the trip?",Roselin's Mother replies "it's fine,tank you",they both exchanges greetings before Aunt Bunmi entertained her with soft drinks. After Roselin's Mother finished with the drinks,she then asks Aunt Bunmi "where is Rose now?",Aunt Bunmi says "she went to school,but she will come back soon",Roselin's Mother says "it's ohk".They continues to discuss on the issue,around 12:30pm,Aunt Bunmi's house help appeared and tells her that the food is ready on the table. Aunt Bunmi answers "it's ohk". After the house help left,Aunt Bunmi asks Roselin's Mother that they should go and have lunch,Roselin's Mother says "ohk".Aunt Bunmi gets up and take her to the table and then goes to her husband's room and called him too. They reached the table together. Aunt Bunmi served both of them,before she serves her own plate. After they finished having the lunch,the gets back to the main parlour an sat all there. While the household cleared everywhere. As usual,Ephraim drops Roseline before leaving,she waves him as he drives away. She then enters the house feeling very happy which I don't know what the reason was. She almost faints while standing when she saw her Mother right there. She greets them both and starts walking towards her room. Her Mother calls her name as she expected "Rose where are you heading to?",Roseline turns and says "I want to rest Mama,after then we can talk later",she keeps on moving.

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