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Jason West

I laughed prove my self funny. "Dude I gave you her number so you can apologize, not fucking flirt with her." I was punched "you fucking hurt her and I will kill you."

"Calm down, she doesn't like me. She likes I'm a manwhore." I heard snickers from the guys and I glanced their way and they stopped. "Now why would she think that Declan?"

"Maybe because you jump around from girl to girl."

"Or you said some shit about me." Then Noah buts in. "Dude I think its the first one." I clench my fist and walk out the door. I pulled my phone out of my pocket scroll through the contacts then turn it back off, put my helmet on and start up my bike. I drove down the roads I always do with thoughts running through my head. Maybe I am a manwhore. Is she the reason we never hang out at his place? By the time I got home it was almost midnight not like my parents would care. I walk trough the kitchen and grab a few thing before going up to my room and crashed.

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledWhere stories live. Discover now