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Jason West

Those idiots. Ashlynn and me are now sitting in a hospital room wait for X-ray and MIR results. While she was back getting those done I texted Hunter to let him know. And Noah just walked in... Wait where the hell did he just come from? "So what the hell happened?"

"How did you get here I thought your mother took your car."

"Oh she was coming to work and I wanted to see you so."

"Right forgot she worked here. Anyway we are waiting on xray and mir results."

Just has I say that the doctor walks in with a nurse following. "Sup mom." Yeah that nurse is Noah's mother. The doctor tells us that it is broken again, and luckily no tissue is torn, then walks back out. Judy stays to give Ash some meds. "So Noah is this that girl that you."

"Shut up mom!"

"OK sorry. Here sweety these should help." What the fuck did she just bring up I looked over at Noah. "So what was she talking about buddy?"

"Calm down I was trying to get you guys back together. That's why Holden called you come over that one time even though he wasn't home. Oh and why her and Adds are friends again."

"Wait you're the reason we are friends not because she did?"

"No calm down she was upset about it. She missed some school over it. That was my first plan which happened to help with plan two. I just gave her some motivation, she was scared that you would want to be friends again."

"That's seems to be everyone's problem they are too scared." She looked over at me has she said that. "OK that's enough let's go." I picked her up and was about to walk out when she stopped me. "Wait we have to pay for the visit."

"All taken care of, oh and so is your last visit fee." I leaned down and kissed her forehead, and she buried her face in my chest.

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledWhere stories live. Discover now