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Anonymous P.O.V

"Yes Gabe I have eye on Jason now calm down."

"Have you seen a blonde on crutches?"

"No. Goodbye now."

That was a lie but he can't hurt her, bad enough Declan is letting her hangout with this asshole. I would kill to be with them right now but I owe Gabriel, if it wasn't for him I would be dead. After the crash he showed up and took me to a hospital where they fixed me and now i have to do as he says but I'm not letting him hurt Ashlynn or Declan. A hand came down on my back and I jumped a bit. "Calm down hunt, just me. So what's going on?"

I sighed. "He's helping my sister."

"Your sister?" He grabbed the binnacles. "That's not helping."

"She doesn't need to get involved. I'm asking one thing from you and that's to leave her out of this. Please."

He sighed. "Fine. But I can't promise anything." I relaxed. "Why don't you go talk to them?"

"Oh and tell them what? You're bother that should be dead is alive oh and is also working with the guy who is trying to kill your boyfriend. Do you know how stupid that sounds?" He shrugged and after a few more minutes decided that nothing was going to happen and we left.

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledWhere stories live. Discover now