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Jason West

Ashlynn just walked away and I couldn't go after her because of my brat of a sister. "How did you even know i was here?"

"Well sometimes we would go by a place and your bike was there, I went there and there was a lot of guys there they told me I could find you here."

"Non of them touched you?"

"Well Noah was Noah."

"God dam it I'm going to kick his ass."
Mom pulled in the drive before I could ask her any more questions. "Jason let go of your sister." I let her go and yelled back to her as she was opening the door. "Ever speak about Ashlynn like that again and I will kick your ass."

"OK I didn't know she was your friend."
I sighed and walked back in the house, Ashlynn wasn't in the living room the guys told me she went upstairs in a hurry. I would say I ran up the stairs but I can't I'm not allowed to run. Anyway I got to Ashlynn's rooms and it was locked, I knock and there was no answer. "Lynn are you OK?"

"Go away!" It sounded like she was crying. "Lynn let me in. Please I know your upset but I can't fix it from out here."

"I said go away. I'm nothing more than a crippled friend." I sighed and slide down the wall and just sat outside her door.

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledWhere stories live. Discover now