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Jason West

She is my everything and she won't even look up at me, but at least she is still able to fall asleep in my arms. "Jason you're bleeding!" OK didn't know that. I handed Ashlynn over to Hunter and looked down at my leg. "I won't die. Where is Declan?" He shrugged then Noah answered. "Dude I think he's still inside." Shit if he dies I'm dead. I ran back in with Noah yelling at me. "Where the hell are you going?"

"If he's dead I'm dead." I ran to the last place I saw him. I found Gabriel standing over his body, Declan barely breathing. I pulled my gun on Gabriel and he just laughed. "I broke her, she no longer loves you or has faith in you, and now her sweet brother is going to die. I think my work is done here I took the only girl you cared about." I pulled the trigger 1...2...3 times, his body fell to the floor and a paper fell from his hand. I picked it up and shoved it in my pocket, then carried Declan out of there.

All three of us are laying in a hospital bed, Declan has a breathing machine helping him, Ashlynn is still out and the doctors are getting worried, me I'm only here because those assholes managed to shoot me in the same place as last time. My mother is pissed at me for getting shot again but proud of me because my reason, her and my sister come in when ever they can. Hunter hasn't left their side yet, I have been reading over the paper ever since I got here, I should give it to Hunter but where would that put us. I killed his half brother and he is now the leader of the gang I have always fought against, my father is gone because of them, I'm not sure if I could ever work with him.

Ashlynn started moving as if she was about to wake up, I shot out bed bad leg or not and was by her side instantly. Her eyes fluttered open and looked at me then looked away.

My heart was dropped off a fucking cliff at that moment, my reason for living wants nothing more to do with me.

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledWhere stories live. Discover now