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Ashlynn Keith

I woke up early about 6:15 and decided that I was going to go to school after all I grabbed my crutches found my balance, then looked around for my sweatpants and a tank top. Got everything I need for the day in my backpack and walked out the door and stepped back in when realized that I for got my leather jacket and phone. I hobbled down the stairs to find Declan in the kitchen eating breakfast. "Oh sorry sis I didn't know you were up otherwise I would have made you breakfast."

"No worry I got it." I said as I pulled a few granola bars from the cupboard and shove them in my bag. "Sooo... Why did you give that manwhore my number?"

"I complained about him posting what he did then told him you broke it and he wanted to apologize. He got mad at me because he though I was talking shit about him because you kept calling him a manwhore."

"He is. I go to school I find this stuff out because people can't keep their personal lives private." We both laugh then walk out to his car and drive to school. Declan parks in a handicap spot because the doctor gave us one of those things to make my life easier. Thank you doctor. We walk towards the door when I'm stopped by non other than, that's right you guessed it, manwhore. "I though I told you to leave me alone."

"You also said I had to prove I'm not a manwhore." I rolled my eyes before Declan gets involved. "Dude leave her alone."

"Jezz can a man not prove that he is not in fact a manwhore?"

"Stop flirting with my sister and stay out of our lives."

"Dude is this really because I said a few things last night? I was drunk." Then there was a scream, we all looked towards the source and it was coming from Addison she was running this way with her brother slowly following. "Omg you are talking to a walking god. What the hell?" I roll my eyes once more.

"Well if you think I'm a walking god." He winks at Adds. "Dude back the fuck off. Seriously leave our sisters out off your shity life."

Manwhore throws his hands up and Adds turned to Holden and started going off at him. "Holden stay out of my life if I want to sleep with a walking god then I will." I roll my eyes some more before walking away, but got stopped again. "Where you going Lynn?" I rolled for like the fifth time. "Leaveing. Because you are being a manwhore with my best friend." I finally get away this time and Declan helped and stayed by my side the whole day except lunch because he had to go make up a test he missed while he was out taking care of me.

I sat down with Adds and Holden, some of the dudes Holden hangs out with sat with us, then an arm wrapped around my shoulders. "Manwhore get off me."

"Ouch that hurt." That was a completely different voice I looked over I don't know this dude so I push him off me and he falls on the floor. "Ow that really hurt."

"Who the fuck are you?" Then another hand was touching my shoulder. "Calm down Lynn don't break my friends. That is Noah."

"I'm guessing from the way he introduced himself that he is manwhore #2."

"Jezz you're mean."

"Well I'm not nice to manwhores who are also jerks and say some hurtful shit about me." I grabbed my crutches and walked off and I could hear Jason yelling behind. "I said I was sorry." I yelled back behind me. "And you also called me a bitch so see ya never manwhore." I stopped in the middle of the hall to text Declan

A: hey I want to leave the guys are being jerks and my knee really hurts

Dbro: k are you able to wait till this periods is done?

A: sure as long as manwhore 1 and 2 leave me alone.

Dbro: ha I'm guessing you meet Noah

A: yeah his ass might be bruised but he shouldn't have put his arm around me

Dbro: see you in a bit

A: yep see u

I sighed and went to the library for my study hall. I walked over to my corner and noticed the guys and Adds on the other side of the library I decide to send her a quick text

Ash: thanks for leaving me for a manwhore

Adds: what I though u didn't like him

Ash: I don't

Adds: then y r u texting me?

I didn't even say anything back I couldn't my best friend just left me for a manwhore. I started cry and walked out of the library and my phone went off

Dbro: hey finished early

A: k on my way

I could barley see my screen because my vision was getting blurrier and blurrier. Declan wrapped his arms around me and helped me in the car, then carried me to the couch and we stayed there I told him what happened, then I feel asleep.

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledWhere stories live. Discover now