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Ashlynn Keith

I woke up later than usual and didn't get a shower I really don't care what I look like at this point, after putting something on I went downstairs and faced my brothers. Hunter was on his phone and Declan was finishing up his breakfast. "Hunt can I have your jacket?"

"Yeah." He threw it to me and I put it on. "Why couldn't you have kicked him out last night?"

"Because you guys need to deal with this shit yourselves."

"Well now he's gone and isn't coming back." I had tears going down my face, which Hunter was whipping away. "Well that his lost." I didn't say anything followed the boys out to the car.

We arrived at school and I wasn't planing on socializing until Noah tried talking to me. "Ashy what's wrong?"

I looked up at him then back at the floor. "He left and isn't coming back." I looked back up and was about to walk away when I saw Jason with his arm around the schools biggest slut Jessica, he was walking this way and a couple of feet from us he stopped and looked at Jessica before saying. "Thanks for last night it helped."

"No problem anytime." She giggled and walked off I took off in the other direction with tears running down my face, I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Noah. "Hey come on we have almost every class together today, I'm not leaving your side. And the ones I don't have with you, you have with Declan." Declan drove here like usual and Hunter took my car to work because apparently he did get a job. I nodded my head and walked to class with him.

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledWhere stories live. Discover now