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Ashlynn Keith

Its been days and Jason isn't at school, not like I care or anything... Who the hell am I kidding, of course I care. But then again its his life, his dangerous life that almost killed my brother. God dam it I'm fucking worried, worried that his dead, or dying, he could have been shot and nobody knows. I take off, yes I can get back to driving, I'm no longer on crutches, but I have to be careful. I take off and drive around looking for his bike, the last place I think to look his house is where it is. I went up to the door and knocked, some women opened the door and I'm guessing his mother and his sister stood behind her. "Hello can I help you?"

"Is Jason home?" His sister buts in. "He doesn't want to talk to you. He says your a bitch, after yelling at me for that."

"Bree that's enough. Yes he's home but I'm not sure if he will be willing to talk. You can go up and see. Second door on the left."

"Thank you." I ran up the stairs and stood in front of the door for a second before knocking. "Yeah what?" I opened the door a bit and he stared at me. "Can we please talk?"

"What!? What do you want fucking talk about!?" He was yelling and from downstairs you could hear his mother yelling. "Jason language. And stop yelling." He rolled his eyes before getting up and turning on a light. "What? You have five minutes."

"Jay I didn't mean what I said. I was hurt and upset, you just told you sister I was nothing. I was angry at myself for thinking you could like me and even more mad because I was proven right."

"You said you wanted nothing to do with my life."

"I said I want nothing to do with a gang. But I understand that its your life, and if I want to be a part of your life, that it has to be a part of my life."

"Yeah whatever."

"Why are you blaming me!? You are the one who said I was nothing." I now had tears running down my face I let them fall. "You want me to tell my sister that I like this girl but I'm to much of a pussy to ask her out because I'm afraid she will say no." He looked down at the floor and I walked closer to him. "Jay you could have at least said that before letting me continue. Now look at the stupid mess we're in."

"Like I said I went from bad boy just trying to get in your pant like any other girl to a pussy."

"Jay you almost died for me." I closed the space between us, I hugged him and he just stood there not knowing what to do. After a while I looked up at him, he was looking down at me, then his lips were on mine and I was kissing him back. We were interrupted by his mother freaking out in the doorway. "Mother!"

"What you have a door for privacy and it wide open."

"Umm mom are you say I should have my door shut with a girl in my room?"

"Umm I believe you are responsible."

"Umm OK then I'm leaving." This just got really awkward. "Oh honey you don't have to leave. You can stay for dinner."

"Umm thanks but my brothers are going to flip if I'm not home..." My phone went off, I looked down at it, Jason grabbed it and answered. "Sup D"

"Oh calm down she's fine. I have her right here."

"No really she's fine." He handed my phone back to me. "Well that didn't go well."

"What the hell did you except!?" Just then there was pounding on the door and Bree started screaming.

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledWhere stories live. Discover now