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Ashlynn Keith
(Ashlynn is now 22)

I walked in the door and fell on the couch crutches crashing on the floor the doctor's words haunt my mine. "I'm sorry but you tore some tissue and you have to stay off it."

"How long?"

"I'm not sure."

This is the worst day of my life, first the thing this morning and now this what the hell am I go into tell Jay.

8:30 and I'm up watching TV downstairs waiting for the washer to be done. Jay and I found this great 2 room house for an OK price and at the moment Hunter is living with us because Declan is getting on his nerves. If it was up to me I would be up in bed but Hunt needs his clothes washed and he has to get up super early tomorrow so I said I would take care of the clothes. Jay walked in the door and looked at me then his eyes landed on the crutches. "What happened?"

"Nothing. Why are you home I thought you said you would be with mother until tomorrow?"

"I left early. Now why do you have your crutches back out?"

"I said it was nothing." I yelled at him, I'm angry. I got up and walked to the bathroom and he followed. "Hey you can talk to me. What happened?"

I snapped. "I said it was nothing now get out of my face!"

"Fine." And with that he stormed out of the house slamming the door behind him, causing Hunter to wake up and run down the stairs. "What was that!?"

"Nothing." I start the dryer and pushed past Hunt and up to my room, crashing.

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledWhere stories live. Discover now