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Ashlynn Keith

I'm glad Adds came to me and decided to make up, I wouldn't have been able to do that. Its Saturday about noonish and we are sprawled out on Adds bed watching movies that's all we have been doing today. I decided to go downstairs to make more popcorn and the door flew open I didn't really pay attention until I heard the voice. "Holden where are you." I stopped what I was doing and hoped that he wouldn't come in the kitchen but he did, I froze and heard him scoff. "Why are you here, actually I probably don't want to know."

"What the hell does that mean. I'm not the whore here."

"Really?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"I didn't run off and sleep with the biggest whore in school, because someone said something they didn't mean." I grabbed the bag of popcorn, holding it in my mouth went up the stairs. "Oh and by the way Holden isn't here asshole!" I walked back into Adds room and cried on her. After I got that out we went back to watching our movie.

Jason West

Why the hell would Holden tell me to meet him here if he isn't here. The door flew open and in walked Holden. "Why would you tell me to meet me here if you aren't here, and why the hell is she here. What the fuck are you playing at?"

"Oh shit sorry I was running late and I forgot she was even here. Anyway its in my room give me a second."

"Fine but hurry up." He took off up the stairs and I could hear him talking to Ashlynn. "Sorry I forgot to mention he was stopping by." After a minute or so he ran back down and gave me the disk. "There this is everything they know about the Delgado's." Why on Earth would he keep this kind of information in his room? I stormed out out of there and drove off on my bike, somehow I ended up at Jessica's place. Which I'm not complaining about she not that bad, but then again she's a slut.

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