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Ashlynn Keith

I woke up with and arm around me I didn't freak out but instead buried my face into Jay's chest, his chest vibrated with him laughing. "Come on get up, its 10 O'Clock and I have stuff to do." I looked up at him. "OK I'm kidding but you were the one complaining about not getting a shower. Now hurry up I'm making breakfast." I got up and fell again I keep forgetting about my stupid knee. Jay got up and then help me up and walked over to the door and yelled. "By the way Declan had to go in to work so we are home alone." I sighed and hobbled over to the bathroom. I finished up and left the bathroom about was about to put my jacket on when something caught my eye on the floor beside my bed. I bent down and picked it up, it was Jason's hoodie I threw that on instead and shoved my phone in the pocket and managed to get down the stairs without breaking my neck. I hobbled in the kitchen and hopped up on the counter near the stove where Jay was cooking, he had bacon and eggs cooking music on so he don't hear me come in when he was over by the fridge, he saw me and stopped his music. "Glad you didn't break your neck. By the way you look good." I knew he was talking about his sweater, I had the sleeves rolled up because its to big but that was a mistake because the oil from the Bacon popped up and hit my arm. I quickly covered the spot and moved away. "Let me see." I uncovered my arm for Jay to see and he leaned down and kissed the spotted that once hurt. He then looked up at me and planted his lips down on mine, it took me a second to realize what was happing but soon kissed him back, we stopped when I remembered the food and the stove. "Jay you burn my food I will burn you." He laughed at me and went back to cooking I looked over and saw Declan fist clenched. "Declan how long were you there?"

"Long enough." Jay looked over turned the stove off kisses my forehead and ran out the door. "Really Ashlynn. Bad enough he was here last night and you are hanging out with him but now you are fucking kissing him. What happened to hating him?"

"People and their feels change. Why cant you let me be happy?"

"You can be happy with any other person but him. You don't know what he stands for." I pushed passed him and up the stairs. "I don't care what he stands for just as long as he makes me happy, that's all that should matter. You can have my breakfast." I went to my room and locked the door.

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledWhere stories live. Discover now