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Ashlynn Keith

There was an arm wrapped around me and I was laying on someone's bare chest I freaked out and pushed away. "Calm down princess I was gentle." I started freaking out even more, no fucking way, I did not sleep with Jason. "Calm down I'm joking, I didn't do anything. I brought you up here and your fucking clingy so I couldn't leave. But it was better than sleeping on the couch." I calmed down then looked at what I was wearing. "That was Declan's doing I was outside." Was all he said while throwing his hands in the air. I mumbled under my breath. "Stupid manwhore."

"Wow I thought that said you would quit calling me that."

"Well my phone says otherwise."

"Really?" He lifted his eyebrow questioning I reach over him and grabbed my phone and looked at his contact it now says 'Walking God💖💖' I rolled my eyes. "How did you even unlock my phone?"

"Magic." I rolled my eyes at him then saw the time. "Shit!" I tried to get up to quick and forgot about my knee and fell on my ass and cussed some more jay looked over the bed. "What are you doing?"

"Its 9:21. We are late."

"We aren't going." I sighed I can't stop him because its not like I can drive myself. He got up and help me up. "We aren't going but we could go get food if you had a car." My eyes lit up. "Its in the garage, Declan put it there so I didn't see because I was sad about not being able to drive."

"Great. Get dressed I'm stealing Declan's clothes." I shrugged  I didn't care as long as he was out of my room. I quickly throw some clothes on and looked for my jacket I open the door to yell at Jay. "Jay where is my jacket?"

"Down here Lynn." I grabbed my phone and held it in my mouth to get down the stairs and dropped it when I got to the bottom but Jay caught it. "Thanks." He handed me my jacket I put it on and took my phone and shoved it in the pocket. We went out the door and over to the garage when the garage door opened Jay's jaw dropped. "Dude is this a 67 Chevy Impala?" I nodded my head, I love my car it was actually my grandfather's. I hobbled to the passenger side and got in I hate being on this side because I rather drive, before Jay put the key in I stopped him. "Wait you do know how to drive this right?"

"Yes Lynn I won't hurt your baby." I let my lungs breath when he answered relived that he knew how to drive.

We arrived at a diner and we almost got to the door when we were stopped, we turned to see Addison, Holden, and Noah walking over. Noah puts his arm around my shoulders again. "So this is why you aren't at school you are helping the injured." I push him off me again and he fell. "Oww my ass is going to be broken."

"Well keep your hands of her."

"Hey Ash why aren't you at school?" I ignored her. "Are you mad at me for hanging out with a cute boy that you said you didn't like?" I still didn't answer her, but Jay did. "She mad because you are a horrible friend."

"She said she didn't like you, if she did I wouldn't have hung around."

"You left her alone by her self and told her to leave you alone."

"I'm the bad friend. If she like someone I wouldn't be bothered by her hanging out with him. But I can't. God why do I hang out with a clingy bitch?" I lost my shit there. "You know what Declan was right its not my fault, its yours. You pushed me and I had to go to the hospital because of you. It's your fault my parent and brother are dead. Your fault that Declan has to work his ass off just to care for us. Your fault that I'm scared of loseing people."

She had tears in her eyes but I didn't care. "I thought you said it wasn't my fault. I thought you said you forgave me." I walked back to my car and Jay followed.

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledWhere stories live. Discover now