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Ashlynn Keith

Pounding on the door and Bree screaming freaked all of us out and we ran down the stairs, Jay's mother grabbed Bree and ran to the closet under the stairs, Jay grabbed a gun in a shoe cupboard then aimed at the door. "God dam it West open the fucking door now." I pulled at Jay's arm when I realized who it was, then opened the door. "What the hell Declan!?"

"Why didn't you answer your phone?"

"Haven't you learned Jason is an asshole." He nodded, then grabbed my arm. "Let's go."

"Ow Declan let go." His grip was tight around my arm. "Dude let go." Jason was tensing. "Declan let go I'm coming, but you are hurting me."

A gun was put to the back of Jason's head. "Hunter put the gun down. Declan let go of me." A whimper came from the direction of the closet, Hunter turned his head towards the closet I took a step forward, then was ripped backwards causing me to twist my knee. I fell to the floor and screamed in pain, Declan got knock back to reality and freaked out. "Ash I'm sorry." I put my hands up covering my face telling Declan to back off. "Just go."

"Ash." Just then Noah walked in door. "Seriously Jay isn't going to hurt her... OK maybe I was wrong."

We all turned and looked at Noah. "Get them out of here."

"Your brothers?"

"No stupid the other people that came in here and is now holding a gun to Jay's head. Yes my brothers."

"Let's go, Jay will take care of Ash." They left without hesitation. Jay got his mother and sister calmed down. "Jason who were those people."

"That was my Umm family." They looked over at me. "Umm why did they hurt you."

"Well Bree is Jay protective of you?"

"Mainly when it comes to his own friends but yeah."

"Well my brothers are worse than Jay."

"Umm is that possible he threatened to kill Noah."

"Declan and Jay are no longer friends."

"Wait Declan?" I nodded my head. "He's mean."

"I know I live with him. But anyway since Jay is so smart here he answered my phone when Declan called and made it sound like he kidnapped me, and being the protective brothers they are this happened. Declan was mad at Jay because the stuff that happened, and he wasn't thinking straight and was trying to get me out of here and he pulled me back. OK now Jay take me to the hospital please."

"Oh yeah." He picked me up. "Mom I won't be home for dinner." And walked out the door and to my car.

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledWhere stories live. Discover now