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Ashlynn Keith

I walked over and opened the door to find Jay sitting there. "I said go away or do I have to call the boys." From down the hall I heard Hunter yell back. "It's late I'm not getting involved so deal with it yourself." Thanks for the help Hunter, I looked back down at Jay and walked back in my room. Jay followed me in. "Hey that's not what I meant."

"What do you mean then? Because we are nothing, we are two people who are attracted to each other but one is a leader of a fucking gang and the other wants nothing to do with that." I threw my hands over my mouth. "That's really how you feel then I'll leave." His head hung low walking back out of my room. "Jay wait."

"What you just said you want nothing to do with me. Stop playing with my fucking feelings. I thought I was the bad guy but at least I'm not play with your feelings." He walked out the door and I could stop him. I fell to my bed and cried my self to sleep.

Jason West

Why was I stupid enough to think she would ever be a part of my life. I walked out of her room, out of her house and out of her life, I swung my leg over my bike and before starting it I called Jessica and drove to her place. I needed something to get my mind off of Ashlynn and she was perfect. A slut that is willing to sleep with me, no questions asked.

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledWhere stories live. Discover now