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Jason West

Ashlynn and I stayed on the couch for a while until she fell asleep, I took her upstairs and put her in her bed then went back down stairs. I turned the TV off then shot Declan a quick text.

Jason: yo r u coming back tonight or at least have a key because I'm locking the door

Declan: I might be back I'm not sure but yeah I have a key

Jason: OK Ash is asleep and I'm just cleaning that mess you made

Declan: thanks for taking care of her

I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed Lynn's phone and crutches then entered her room quitely I sat those aside then went across the hall to steal a pair of Declan's sweats, I debated on going to the couch or laying with Ash. I decided that laying with Ash was better because if they do break in then im right there with her.

I was woken up by the door and looked over to see Ashlynn about to walk out, then glanced over at the clock. "Where are you going its 1am?"

"Sorry I'll be right back I just need some water." I sighed and she walked out the door. OK its been like 15 minutes and I'm freaking out, I ran down the stairs to find the kitchen light on crutches on the floor and no Ashlynn. Beside her crutches was a note, it read: you guys are really stupid for trusting Hunter and leaving her alone. Sorry Jay but looks like I won again.
I grabbed my phone and called Declan.

"Declan they took her. They fucking took her and that no good brother of yours was a part in it."

"How the hell did they get her!?!?"

"She went down to get water after a while I got worried and ran down here to find her crutches on the floor with a note."

"God dam it!!"

"Headquarters in twenty. I'll text the guys."

I hung up and sent a text to everyone telling them to met us there. I threw my jacket on, grabbed my keys and helmet and ran out the door.

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledWhere stories live. Discover now