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Jason West

I saw Ashlynn leave the library in a hurry and haven't seen her since. I decided to stop over at her house to see if she was OK, and Declan was just about to leave as I was driving up so I went around the block to make sure he doesn't see me. I park on the street in front of the house, and went and knocked. I was expecting parents to answer the door but it was a red eyed Ashlynn, she tried to shut the door in my face but I stopped it. "Leave me alone jerk."

"Hey what did I do."

"You know what you did." I shook my head. "You stupid manwhore, you stole my best friend." She throw her phone at me with a conversion open. I sighed "look I can't control what you friend does and if she would chose a guy over you then she is stupid." She fell into my chest. "Can you take me back to the couch manwhore?"

I chuckled. "Only of you stop calling me that."

"Fine Jay." I tensed at the name but soon relaxed. "I guess that's better." I picked her up and carried her back to the couch and laid her down I tried to take the leather jacket off because I know it is uncomfortable to sleep in but she fights me so I just let her be and sit next to her. She gave me the remote and I put Netflix on, then pulled her closer to me. "So what's with the jacket?" I asked pausing the moive. She sighed and shifted. "It was my brother's, well my father's but he always took it ."

"Why do you have Declan's jacket?"

"Not Declan." Now I was confused. "Hunter and my parents died in a car accident and it was my fault. They were rushing to get to the hospital because when i was at the park with Holden, Addison and Declan I fell and hurt myself, their parents took me to the hospital and called mine. They didn't see the truck coming the other way. The driver fell asleep at the wheel and my parents died on impact, and they didn't find Hunter's body so he was presumed dead." She was soaking my shirt with tears but I didn't care. "Who took care of you guys?"

"Our grandparents, then they died two years ago and left us the house." She was crying I was rubbing her back and trying to calm her but I don't know really how to do this kind of stuff. Then I heard the door open and slam shut. "West get the hell out!" Declan walked in. "What the hell did you do!?" I didn't say anything I just let him yell and let Ashlynn cry on me. When finally she stops and looks over at Declan and brokedown again. "D I miss him, its my fault."

"Its not your fault it was the other driver we have been over this." She was still crying I didn't know what to do and she started crying on me again. I looked over at Declan giving the what do I do look. He doesn't know what to do either.

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledWhere stories live. Discover now