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Jason West

I could tell Lynn was holding back tears but she didn't let them fall till we were back on the couch, same as last night. When she stopped cry we decided to watch a movie. "Hey want to order a pizza?" She shook her head. "I don't eat pizza because the sause, I'm allergic."

"Oh. Well do you have popcorn?" She nodded her head and we went in the kitchen. She told me where everything was while sitting on the counter, while the popcorn cooked I walked over to her and stood beside her leg she had resting on the island. She is beautiful even though she just spent 20minutes crying, I leaned in, my lips centimeter away, when. "What the fuck!?" I backed up and looked over and Declan was turning red. "What the hell did I tell you!?"

I looked back over at Lynn. "I'm gonna go."

"Yeah you should leave. Don't come back either!" I walked out the door and drove away on my bike. With thoughts running through my head. Why did he have to come home? What would have happened if I actually did kiss her? God why am I acting like this, I'm Jason freaking West.

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledWhere stories live. Discover now