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Jason West

Yes it was a bad move to just leave but I had some were else to be anyway, I just hope Declan doesn't get to mad at her. I stopped at my house real quick to grabbed my leather jacket. "Jason West where have you been for the past 4 days."

"Hey mom sorry I was helping out a friend. She broke her leg and doesn't have anybody to help her."

"Where are her parents shouldn't they be taking care off her."

"Umm they can't they passed away a few years ago and her brother works his ass off trying to take care of them both"

"Oh sorry, just make sure you tell me where you are going. And is this why you spent a hundred dollars yesterday?" I nodded my head before taking off out the door. I drove to the hangout, we call it that but its more or less headquarters. We always meet there to talk about what needs to get done about Gabriel, we just got word that he was getting too close. Last time this happened I was shot and ever since then my mother hatted me being out for a long period of time with out checking in.

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledWhere stories live. Discover now