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Ashlynn Keith

After arguing with Declan and Jay all night, they finally agreed with me being around them and they will do whatever to keep me safe. Jay stayed with me last night he carried me up stairs and left my crutches downstairs so he had to help me in the morning and carried me down stairs. Declan sat at the island eating a bowl of cereal, and Jay sat me on a counter, and handed me a couple granola bars, then stood in front of me. "There are chairs you know." Jay turned around to face Declan. "So? I can kiss her better when she's up here." Declan threw his bowl in the sink. "Let's go."

The ride to school was quite and awkward, when we got in to school everything was different mainly because the people walking by kept starring at me, but then again when does a nobody hangout with Jason West. Things were going fine until at lunch we were sitting and a tray was slammed down beside me. "Sup Ashlynn these jerks aren't causing you any issues right?" I didn't answer instead my eyes were focused on the guy standing behind Gabriel he looked really familiar. "Get out off here Gabriel."

"Oh Jason did you forget what happened last time?"

"What did happen last time? Were you not man enough to finish me off?" Gabriel was getting angry and before walking away he stopped and looked down at me. "See you later Ashlynn." He was about to but his hand down on my head when he was stopped. "I told you to leave her out of this."

Gabriel pulled his hand back. "How dare you Hunter. You would be dead without me and you are choosing someone who forgot about you and didn't decide to go looking for you." Gabriel stormed out of the lunchroom, then he looked back at me. I stood up punched him in the face causing him to fall on the floor, threw his jacket at him and walked away, fighting back tears.

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledWhere stories live. Discover now