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Hunter Keith/Thompson

"Gabriel is your half brother."


"Mom made some mistakes, not like you were a mistake, sleeping with his father was a mistake. Dad forgave her though and raised you, that night, the crash it was all revenge, Gabriel's father, your father was angry she kept you from him he didn't mean to kill dad, he meant to kill mom and take you. You are needed to lead the gang, as first born it is your right. Gabriel tried blaming you for the helping of kidnapping me to get Jay to kill you. He also took the will so nobody knew about this." What the fuck did Ashlynn just tell me? Gabriel is my... My brother? I grabbed the paper Ash was holding and read over it. "How did you know about Lynn?" I looked over at Jay then back at Ash.

"Gabriel mentioned it. I think that is also the reason he tortured me because I made a comment."

"What the hell did you say to piss him off?"

"Daddy didn't love you enough. What I was angry, I was just fucking kidnapped by the dude and wasn't thinking." I am freaking out at this point, I have a half brother and a different father then I was told and now they are both dead and now I have to lead a fucking gang. Fuck my life.

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledWhere stories live. Discover now