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OK yes its a dick move trying to take Jason's girl but apparently he's done with her and she needs some one after her so called best friend abandoned her. Lucky for her I have almost every single class with her, on the bad side most of those also have Jason in them, worst some even have Jessica. I walked to first period with her which happened to be one of those with both Jason and Jessica. We walked in Jason and Jessica where in the back at the same table I'm surprised they aren't making out yet... and I spoke to soon. I walked over to one of the desks by the window and kick some kid out of his seat. After I sat down the teacher walked in making everyone stop what they were doing and pay attention. I shot a glared back at Jason who flipped me off, I got my phone out and texted him, not my fault he didn't have it on vibrate.

Idiot: dude what the hell happened between you two???
I finally got an answer by lunch
Jason the Jackass: not talking about it. Why don't you ask her since your guys are buddy buddy

Idiot: dude she has no one her best friend left her and she has been able to make new friends because she got KIDNAPPED because of YOU or did you forget that because you had such a fun fucking night. god why couldn't she have just listened to Declan?? Declan is always right

Jason the Jackass: you know both of you can stay out of my life. That shouldn't be to hard seeing as she wants nothing to do with my life

I turned to look over at Ashlynn. "Hey what did you say to him last night?"

He sighed "I didn't mean to say it but I was still a little upset about being kidnapped and now I have this stupid scar. But he is the one who said I was nothing more than a crippled friend."

"What did you say to him?"

"I said we are apparently nothing. We are two people attracted to each other but he is a part of a gang and I want nothing to do with it. I didn't mean I wanted him out of his life. Then he got pissed and said I was the bad guy in this situation because I was playing with his feelings. He walks out the door and I can't go after him so what the fuck am I supposed to do, oh but he can go sleep with some whore, after going over it with his sister that he's not a manwhore."

"OK then shit went down you said shit you didn't mean he said shit he didn't mean." She nodded her head. "Where were your brothers?"

"Before the fight I locked my door and he stayed out there it was like midnight and I opened my door to find him there I said he should leave or I would get them but Hunter had his door open and he heard me and yelled at me to deal with it myself because it was late and I'm guess Declan was asleep." Well shit I how am I going to get them back together, I'm going to need a lot of help and I'm going to need Addison to try to make it up with her.

Noah: dude give me your sisters number

Holden: what... Why

Noah: dude I have to get Ash and Jay back together but I need help. Part 1 get Adds and Ash back together then move on to step 2

After fighting he finally gave me her number and all all is are meeting at the library, by all of us I mean Adds, Holden, Declan, Hunter and of course myself. I believe the best friend of the year award goes to... Me.

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledWhere stories live. Discover now