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Ashlynn Keith

Declan woke up a couple of days after I did and we had to spend about another week in the hospital just to make sure everything was alright, which it was so we were finally able to go home.

After a week on the couch Hunter was getting annoyed, then finally convince Declan to let him clean out the spare room and some how got Jay to help. Right now Declan is at work and Hunter is out looking for a job, he decided that Jay could also run his gang he works with Jay in deciding some stuff but he really tries to focus on helping out Declan and I.

Jay and I are on the couch watching The Lion King 2 for the thrid time this week and its only Wednesday, I have an issue I know, I can also quote the whole movie. Well actually I'm watching the movie Jay is braiding my hair, not one whole braid no he is making little ones all through out my hair, I don't know why or how he even knows how but if he is happy then whatever. The door fly's open and in come Declan and Hunter and they have food, sadly its only groceries, but food non the less. "Hey Dec make us some popcorn please."

"Do it yourself Jason."

"Dude your sister can't walk and you would be dead without me."

"If it wasn't for you non of that would have happened."

"Declan, Jason shut up! I'm watching something."

"Umm... You have watched this how many times? You can quote the whole fucking movie!" I stared up Jay then there was a knock on the door, Hunter opened it then yelled at Jay then a dark haired girl walked in. We both sat up I stared at Jay he better start explaining. "Jay why are you here? And with some bitch?" Oh no so did not just do that I stood up and looked down at Jay before he pulled out his phone and called some one, I am now confused. When the person picked up Jay started yelling. "Mom come pick up your daughter before I beat her."

"Jason do not threaten your sister she misses you." He had it on speaker.

"No I don't care you could have called me and I would have come home but she can't just come here and start calling people bitches."

"Well you tell her that and bring her home."

"I'm not coming home."

"And this is why she is there."

"Just come pick her up I texted you the address." He sighed and hung up the phone before dragging her out of the house. I followed him out. "Jay can't you be nice?"

"No she can't just call you that."

"Well I hate to bring it up but you are a..." I was interrupted by his sister. "A manwhore."

"What did I tell you about calling me that?" I'm not sure if he was talking to me or her but she answered. "Your not a manwhore anymore. But that doesn't explain her."

"Ashlynn is nothing more than a crippled friend I'm helping." That hurt. I walked back inside and up to my room and locked the door maybe he will leave after all I'm nothing more than just a crippled friend. I hide under the blankets and cried, I don't know why it hurt hearing him say that but it did.

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledWhere stories live. Discover now