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Jason West

I fell on Ashlynn's bed and wrapped my arm around her. "Hey you shouldn't go to bed mad at me."

"I'm not mad. Just tired and I have to be up tomorrow." She didn't go to sleep until 5:30am because we were up talking. Its now like 10:30 and I'm trying to get her up. "Lynn come on I'm making breakfast."

"So get me when its done."

"No now come on." She finally sat up. "But that means I need to find clothes."

"Your shorts are fine her now put this on." I tugged my hoodie over my head, and tossed it to her. "But now you don't have a shirt." I walked over into Declan's room and stole a shirt, when I walked back into her room she was laying down again with her face buried. I picked her up and carried her down stairs, everyone shouted surprised cause her to jump and tighten her grip around my neck, she looked up at me. "Happy Birthday Lynn." She smiled at me, then got down and went straight to the cake.

We spent all day parting and hanging with people, Me and Ash retreated up to her room when the tiredness hit her. "Jay?"

"Hmm?" I looked down at her laying on my chest and she shook her head. "Never mind. Night."

"Night" happy birthday hope you enjoyed it, because this is the last time I'm called your boyfriend.

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledWhere stories live. Discover now