1 - Intros

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I walked into the museum cafe to see people running round like mad. Pretty much every table was full so there was no where I could sit for a burger and to update my blog. A guy got up from the high table so I ran over to grab it. I sighed as I got my laptop out and opened up to my site.

"Hey, can I get you anything?" a voice came from my left. I looked up to see a girl with black hair holding a pen and paper.

"Oh, yeah. A dino-burger and strawberry milkshake?" I said, smiling sweetly at her.

"Coming up" She smiled back and walked off to the kitchen.

I turned back to my laptop and continued with a blog post I had been working on; Who Are The Power Rangers? I was obsessed with the Power Rangers; who they were, where they stayed, what they did to become Power Rangers. Surely they were just normal people like you and I, they weren't aliens right? I mean, they didn't exist.

"What're you writing?" I turned to my right and a guy had slid on the chair next to me.

"I write a blog about the Power Rangers" I smiled at the guy. He was kinda cute, "I'm Kylie."

"Heckyl" He smiled back and nodded.

"Nice to meet you."

"You free tonight?" Heckyl asked, leaning on the table.

"As a matter of fact, I am"

"I'll meet you at the park water fountain say eight?" He was very confident, maybe a bit cocky? No, just the right amount of confidence. He seemed sweet too. What's the worse that could happen by meeting him later?

"I'll see you then" I answered as Heckyl got up and waved goodbye just as my burger arrived, "Thank you."

I looked up to the waitress and she smiled, "Enjoy."

I'd been there for around half an hour when I finally finished the post. I pressed submit and it was live on my page, for the world to see. I had looked at my stats a few times and noticed that people all over the world had been reading, wanting to know about the Power Rangers. Yet everyone had just one question: Who are they? This is what I was going to find out.

I packed my laptop away and got off the chair, turning around without even looking where I was going, as usual, and bumped right into someone, "Oh my gosh I'm sorry!" I apologised, looking down to the floor.

"It's alright, I wasn't looking where I was going."

I looked up to a very gorgeous guy, They're all out today, I thought to myself.

"No, I'm sure it was me. I'm really clumsy" I laughed, putting my bag over my shoulder.

"Well, let's say it was your fault. Would you make it up to me?" He smirked


"How about a date? Tomorrow?" Two dates in under an hour? I'm on fire!

"Erm, OK. Im Kylie by the way."

"Chase." We exchanged numbers before I walked out the cafe. I was feeling rather big-headed as I walked back home, I mean wouldn't you?

When I reached home, I got up to my room and looked through my wardrobe. I needed a good outfit for the date tonight; I'd worry about tomorrows date in the morning. But I still had a quick glance to see if anything caught my eye.

I found my outfit and looked at the time, 7:30. I better make my way to the park.

Once there, I found the fountain and Heckyl wasn't there yet

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Once there, I found the fountain and Heckyl wasn't there yet. I looked at the time, 7:52. Best not wait there, don't want to look too keen. I found a bench in eye line of the fountain but out of sight that he wouldn't see me waiting when he arrived.

I waited for 10 minutes and he finally turned up. Heckyl stood by the fountain and looked at his watch before looking around him. I stood up, smoothed my skirt and walked over slowly.

When I got in his sight, I walked a little quicker and smiled as he saw me, "Hi. Sorry I'm late, I hope you weren't waiting long."

"No not all. You look lovely" Heckyl smiled at me as he looked me up and down.

"Thank you. You look pretty dapper yourself." He held his arm out for me to take and we walked along the park.

Choices - Book I - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now