25 - Stand Off

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Chase and I got back to the base, but no one was around.
"Miss Morgan!" Chase shouted as he looked round the base, "no one."

We sat at one of the desks just as everyone entered through the side door.

"Chase, where were you!?" Tyler shouted as he moved over to us

"The movies with Kylie, I told you all" Chase stood up, squaring off with Tyler who looked rather annoyed

"We needed you!" Tyler shouted back

"Vivix attacked. We tried calling you" Riley said from near the door. He was leaning against the wall with Koda and Ivan close by. Shelby had walked over to the three of us.

"Tyler, they went on a date. We can't blame them" she placed a hand on his shoulder but Tyler shrugged it away. I looked at Shelby who looked hurt.

"Chase you need to be in constant contact with us" Kendall said, moving to the computer, "in case something like this happens."

"So I can't have a life?" Chase turned to her but Tyler continued to stare daggers

"Of course you can. Just try and do things where your phone doesn't need to be turned off" she half smiled before grabbing a folder and walking away, out the room.

"I'm sorry guys. I should have thought -" I started but was interrupted by Tyler

"No, you shouldn't have thought. HE should have thought. It's your job Chase!"

"Tyler I'm sorry. It won't happen again"

Shelby put her hand back on Tyler's shoulder but this time he didn't shrug, he leaned into it and turned away.

They both walked out, I sighed as Koda walked into his room, Ivan shook his head and followed Shelby and Tyler.

"Riley, are they really pissed?" I asked, slumping in my chair
He moved away from the wall and walked over to us, "It's new to us all. I mean, the whole dating and being a Ranger thing. How we go about it all is gonna take time" he sat on the desk opposite us. We all sat in silence.

Wow, I didn't know my presence would make such a fuss.

Choices - Book I - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now