36 - Building A Bridge

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Later that night, I snuck into the office and over to Beccas and Deans computers. They were pretty close together so luckily I didn't need to go far. I got into Beccas and found the photos from the article. I quickly deleted them, emptying the trash along with it so they were nowhere on her computer. I double checked everything edited in the past week to make sure nothing contained any more information about the Rangers. I then made work on Deans, finding the article and doing the same to his. I then put in the USB and wiped that clean too. Everything was gone. Except Clive's computer; would he have anything?

I made my way to his office, his computer still on too. I managed to find his copy of the article and started to delete it when there was a creak outside his office. I closed the window and ducked under his desk, hoping it was just a cleaner.

The door creaked open and my heart beat against my chest harder than it ever had before.

"Will there be a paper copy?" Tyler's voice.

"I dunno. But best check the computer first and all the drawers just in case" Riley.

I climbed out from under the desk to see both Rangers in their suits on the opposite side of the desk, "What are you doing here?" Tyler asked me.

"Same as you, deleting the article." I reopened the window and saw it had deleted. I did the sweep like on the other computers as the two boys looked through paperwork on his desk and drawers.
"Why you doing this? You'll lose your job" Tyler pipped up after a minutes.

"I don't care. I don't like the thought of you guys thinking I had something to do with this" I clicked close on everything and stepped back from the computer, "done. I'll see you guys."

I walked towards the doors as Tyler grabbed my arm, "thank you Kylie."

"Honestly, I didn't do it for you. I'll do anything to protect Chase" I pulled my arm out his grip and continued to walk out the offices.

Choices - Book I - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now