37 - I Love You

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I didn't go into work the next day; I knew Clive would know I deleted everything and I didn't want to be there when he found out. I had sent an email early that morning, quitting.

My bedroom door creeked open to give me a good view of Chase, "Hey"

"Hey" I smiled from my bed. He walked in and sat with me

"Heard what you did" Chase wrapped his arm round my shoulders, pulling me close, "thank you for that."

"Felt like I had to. Didn't want everyone to think I had something to do with it."

"They didn't. They were just scared, I was scared." Chase kissed my temple before I got closer to him, as close as I possibly could.

"I saw Heckyl" he tensed underneath me, "I knew he had something to do with it. He gave them an interview or something, told them where we would be after he kidnapped me. Why he just let me go" I explained, Chase gently stroked my arm as I spoke.

"Ah. That makes sense."

I got up and looked straight at Chase, "I love you Chase."

He smiled before responding, "I love you too." He gently leaned in and kissed my lips ever so lightly, it was as magical as every other one.

He needed to know that I loved him, he needed that at least.

Choices - Book I - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now