27 - Taken 2

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A few days later I stood outside the museum, hoping enough days had passed that Tyler wasn't p'ed off. I waited for Chase to finish his shift. I sat on a bench, flicking through photos of me and Chase on my phone.

"You two do look cute."

I knew that voice. I jumped up and turned to see Heckyl standing there, hands in pockets and smirking at me, "What do you want?"

"Nothing. Just wanting to see how my favourite girl is." Is he for real?

"Get out of here" I sighed, moving backwards as he spoke to me.

"I don't think I will"

He moved closer to me but I kept backing away, not wanting to be too close to him; who knows what he might do. He continued to advance to me and I took another step back, I ended up hitting something.

I went to shout at the unexpected thing behind me, but before I could a hand clamped over my mouth while another grabbed my arms, "don't move" a nasty voice whispered in my ear.

Heckyl was now two steps away "Oh Kylie. You have no idea what you've done do you?"

I tried to talk, to shout, anything but not a sound escaped the grasp of this monsters hand on my mouth.

"Now," Heckyl leaned down and stared at me right in the eyes, pure hatred ran through them, "you're coming with me and my friend here" he smiled an evil masters smile.

Chase flung his backpack over his shoulder as he walked out of the museum. As he got closer to the doors, he picked his phone out his pocket and saw a text from Kylie

Just sat outside whenever UR ready x

He smiled at the thought of her, pushing the doors open and looking over to the bench. She wasn't there. He frowned as he moved his head to look up.

There, just by the greenery, was Kylie. But she wasn't alone. In front was Heckyl and holding onto Kylie was something else. Some sort of monster he hadn't seen before.

Just as he was about to shout, a light appeared round them and then they were gone.

"Oh sh-" Chase stared as his phone beeped.

Get to base now. T

Chase ran round to the Rangers base where everyone already was. He looked round the group as they stood round the computer, "they took Kylie."

"We know, we saw" Tyler said, not moving his gaze from the computer.

"And you guys did nothing?" Chase started to get annoyed, how could they just let it happen?

"She's been nothing but trouble for us" Tyler finally looked up to Chase; neither looked happy.

"She's been nothing but nice to you guys"

"Still, this is the second time she's been kidnapped now. And both times Heckyl" Shelby explained, not as loudly as Tyler but still so all could hear.

"What's your point?"

"Maybe-" Shelby looked round the group

"Maybe she's working with Heckyl" Riley finished.

"Are you joking?" Chase looked round the rest of the Rangers faces. They all looked bad for thinking it but not bad enough that they didn't agree. "She got my energem back didn't she? She wouldn't have done that if she wanted him to have it!" Chases voice got louder as he spoke. He couldn't hold in his anger; they were supposed to be his best friends, yet they were being horrible to his girlfriend. HIS girlfriend. Not Heckyls.
"Screw the lot of you" he shook his head and went to walk out the base

"Chase...where....going?" Koda called to him, moving forward a few steps.

Chase turned round, "I'm going to find my girlfriend" he sighed before turning back round and continuing on his journey.

Choices - Book I - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now