20 - The Offer

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I got ready and made my way to the Plaza

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I got ready and made my way to the Plaza. I checked the time, 1:45pm.

Oh thank goodness I'm not going to be late.

I found the pizzeria and waited outside.  I started flicking through my phone to see the picture of me and Chase from last night. I smiled, knowing he was mine. Even though he hasn't actually really asked but, considering what has happened I'm just presuming.

Suddenly my phone started ringing with an unknown number. I slid the arrow to answer and held it up to my ear, "hello?"

"Hello is this Kylie K?" The voice from the other side of the phone said. It was a mans; deep and professional.

"Yes. This is she. Who's calling?" I was so confused, who would call me? Who would use that name? That's in my blog...

"My name is Clive Brown, head writer for Amber Beach News"

Oh my God

"I've come across your blog and find it, well, lack of a better word, amazing"

Clive Brown thinks my writing is amazing!? Pinch me

"Tha-thank you Mr Brown. It means so much to me that you think so" I stuttered, not believing what has just been said.

"I'd like to make you an offer; come work for us at ABN and bring all your Power Ranger knowledge. I want to do a weekly spot on them and I want you to be my girl. Are you my girl?"

I held my breath as I saw Chase walking my way, "can I get back to you on that?"

"Of course. Come by the office tomorrow morning, about 10? Just after the morning meeting. Until then"

We both hung up as Chase was right in front of me.

"Who was that?" He asked, kissing my cheek

"My mum" I lied. I didn't want to tell him about it just yet, I wasn't sure what my answer was going to be. Of course I wanted to be a journalist, but did I want to write about the Power Rangers all the time? Not much different than what you're doing now. And now you've got an in with them you can find out so much more....

Choices - Book I - Power Rangers: Dino ChargeWhere stories live. Discover now